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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Winona, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Bituminous Seal Coating of Various Roads in the Whitewater, Elba, St Charles, Warren & Wilson Townships in Winona County Including Bituminous Material for Sealcoat and Fog Seal, Fa-2 Class a Aggregate for Sealcoat, Traffic Control and Striping. CSAHs 12 (in Warren & Wilson Townships), 37 (in Elba & St Charles Townships) an 41 (in Whitewater Township) in Winona County Mobilization - 1 Ls; Bituminous Material for Fog Seal - 15,203 Gals; Bituminous Seal Coat (Fa-2 Class a) - 152,038 Sy; Bituminous Material for Seal Coat - 45,611 Gals; Traffic Control - 1 Ls; 4" Solid & Broken Line Paint - 140,289 Lf and Miscellaneous and Appurtenant Items Required for a Complete Project. Bids Must Be Accompanied by a Certified Check Made Payable to the Winona County Highway Department for Five Percent (5%) of the Bid or a Corporate Bond in Favor of the Winona County Auditor in the Amount of Five Percent (5%) of the Bid. The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids received. Site Directions: CSAH 12 - From TH 43 South to TH 43 North CSAH 37 - From CR 115 to CSAH 24 CSAH 41 - From West County Line To North County Line CR 116 - From CSAH 41 East 500'. All work required under this Contract, except maintenance work, shall be completed within 15 working days and shall be completed no later than August 25, 2023. DESCRIPTION This Work consists of furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing all traffic control devices required to provide safe movement of traffic and pedestrians through the Project at all times from commencement of the Work until Project Acceptance. Maintain roads and pedestrian facilities undergoing improvements in a condition that accommodates public traffic. Do not close roads or pedestrian facilities, except as authorized. The Engineer may modify the requirements for traffic control as deemed necessary. All temporary traffic management must conform to and be installed in accordance with the "Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MN MUTCD); o the "Minnesota Temporary Traffic Control Field Manual" (Field Manual). SPECIAL PROVISIONS DIVISION S CP 2306 S-4 the "Speed Limits in Work Zones Guidelines"; the "Minnesota Flagging Handbook"; the "MnDOT Standard Signs and Markings Manual"; the Plan; all applicable standard Specifications and Special Provisions. CONTACT INFORMATION Direct questions about this Project, including pre-bid questions, to Troy Drath, Assistant County Engineer at (507)-457-8840 The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) operates the above toll free "hotline" Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., eastern time. Anyone with knowledge of possible bid rigging, bidder collusion, or other fraudulent activities should use the "hotline" to report such activities. The "hotline" is part of the DOT's continuing effort to identify and investigate highway construction contract fraud and abuse and is operated under the direction of the DOT Inspector General. All information will be treated confidentially and caller anonymity will be respected.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Winona, MN

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