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Published June 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Wheeling, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The Village of Wheeling reserves the right to waive any irregularities, technicalities, informalities, and other nonmaterial variances contain in any Bid Proposal and to reject all Bids. The Village reserves the right to hold any received Bid Proposal for a period of ninety (90) days from the opening date set forth. Bid Security: Yes, 10% of Bid Contract Security : The successful Bidder will be required to provide performance and payment bonds covering the full amount of the Contract Price or Contract Sum securing full and faithful performance of the Contract and the payment for all labor material furnished by the Bidder or anyone furnishing such under the Bidder's contract or a subcontract of any tier. The successful Bidder will also be required to comply with the requirements under Illinois and federal law applicable to a public works project, including the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act. Est. Completion Date: Nov. 10, 2023 The Village of Wheeling invites you to bid on an anticipated contract for Lakeside Subdivision Water Main Improvements (hereinafter referred to as the "Project"). The Project can generally be described as the replacement of approximately 4,500 lineal feet of 8-inch watermain, approximately 3,100 feet of 10" watermain, valve vaults, hydrants, roadway patching and other associated work. Driveway aprons and sidewalks will be replaced as needed. The scope of the Project shall include all equipment, materials, labor, training, warranties and construction and/or installation services necessary to implement the contemplated construction. The Village of Wheeling project manager is Kevin Pelli and can be reached by email at kpelli@wheelingil.gov regarding the project. Question Deadline 03/02/2023 Bidders requiring clarification or interpretation of the Bid Documents shall make a written request to the Village or its designated representative


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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To Be Determined, Wheeling, IL

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