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Saving Project...

Published April 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Lexington, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

As of April 21,2022, this project was awarded to American Rock Products awarded amount not available. A. Contractor shall haul and place Hot Mix Asphalt for Morrow County Public Works on Homestead Lane between Pole Line and the Dairy entrance to the east. Paved surface shall be 2-- 2" lifts compacted to achieve a total of a 4" depth. Width shall be 25' from the west asphalt joint to the leading edge of the intersection phase of the project (see attached intersection detail). The length is approximately 4590 ft. from the asphalt joint to the intersection phase of the project. The intersection portion is approximately 16,600 sq. ft. B. Contractor shall use Hot Mix Asphalt as described below. a. 1/2 " 64-22 ACP Level 3 b. 1/2 " 64-22 ACP Level 3 shall meet Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Specifications, section 00744 C. Morrow County estimates quantities of Hot Mix Asphalt at 3,300 tons. D. Contractor will provide traffic control as described in the Oregon temporary traffic control handbook. E. Morrow County designates 8th Street Pit in Irrigon for dumping of any grubbing materials or any materials needing removed during the sub-base and paving phases of the project. Contractor is responsible for loading and transport of all materials. F. Sub-base shall be prepped for paving as detailed in the attached Typical Gravel Cross Section. A water truck and construction roller shall be used for compaction. G. Contractor will supply crushed aggregate for the Sub-base phase of the project. H. Morrow County will supply and apply soil stabilization to the prepared road bed. I. Contractor will mill and prepare asphalt joints; at the west end where the existing pavement ends, and at the canal crossing entrance into the dairy. J. Contractor will supply and place Temporary Pavement Markers at centreline following paving of the second lift at a span of 40ft. K. Morrow County will place shoulder rock following completion of the paving phase. L. Morrow County will supply and apply permanent pavement markings and striping. A. A bid bond is not required for submission of a bid. B. A performance bond is not required for this contract. C. A payment bond is not required for this contract. Contract may be extended by mutual agreement between the parties up to 9 months after expiration of the current contract expiration date. Price increases or decreases may be allowed with mutual agreement of both parties. Questions regarding the Invitation To Bid shall be addressed by email no later than seven days prior to bid closing to the following: Public Works Director Eric Imes


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Lexington, OR

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