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Published April 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in La Place, Louisiana. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of April 28, 2023, project was awarded but awarded amount is not available. St. John the Baptist Parish Council will receive Proposals for the project described as follows: Repair of Submersible Pumps, Motors, and Related Equipment St. John the Baptist Parish (herein referred to as the Parish) hereby issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) for qualified companies (herein referred to as Company) to provide submersible pump and motor repairs. Questions and comments regarding this Proposal must be submitted in writing to St. John the Baptist Parish, Purchasing & Procurement Department, ATTN: Peter Montz, 1811 West Airline Highway, LaPlace, LA 70068 or via e-mail to p.montz@stjohn-la.gov no later than 10:00 A.M. local time on March 10, 2023. The Parish reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals and to waive any irregularities or informalities incidental thereto, and to accept any proposal, which the Parish feels serves its best interest. Such action will be in accordance with Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statues. Any person with disabilities requiring Special Accommodation must contact the St. John the Baptist Parish Council Office at (985) 652-9569 no later than seven (7) days prior to proposal opening. Participation by minority and female owned business, as well as businesses located in this Parish, is encouraged. It is the intention of St. John the Baptist Parish to award a contract to the company(s) with the proposal that will provide the best service to the parish. The selected Company(s) will work closely with the Parish Utilities Department and other administrative staff to provide support and maintenance in various locations. The scope of work that the company must provide is stated in Exhibit A The Company shall provide written responses to the following requests in the same order as requests are stated. The Company shall address the following requests with sufficient detail to allow the Parish to understand how your company would fulfill the Parish's needs. Only contractors with experienced, trained, professional personnel directly employed or supervised by the contractor will be considered. The following minimum qualifications have been established as a basis for determining the eligibility of a Company. Only contractors with experienced, trained, professional personnel directly employed or supervised by the contractor will be considered. The on-site Mechanic shall be factory trained for one or more major pump manufactures. Contractor shall have the skill, knowledge, proficiency and other necessary qualifications to install, maintain, troubleshoot, inspect, disassemble, repair, rebuild, replace and reassemble any of the waterworks pumps, pump controls, motors, and right angle gear drives. The successful contractor, herein referred to as the contractor, must have been in the business of waterworks and drainage pumps as well as motor repairs for a minimum of five (5) years. The contractor's on-site designated mechanic must have a minimum of five (5) years' experience in the warranty repair, installation and/or startup of centrifugal, self-priming centrifugal and multistage vertical turbine cold water pumps in sizes up to at least 36 inches in diameter. Contractor must have experience as a factory trained representative for a major pump manufacturer such as Aurora, Crane Deming, Zoeller, Fairbanks Morse, Gorman Rupp, Peerless, etc. The contractor will be required to submit training documents for employees. The contractor must have available mechanics 24 hours a day 7 days a week including holidays. The contractor must have an available machine shop 24 hours a day 7 days a week including holidays at their disposal. Contractor must be able to supply St John Parish with documentation to support availability of machine shop. The shop must employ full time a machinist on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to do any emergency work. The machinist must have at least five (5) years' experience on lathes and milling machines. The company must be equipped with at least one lathe, one milling machine and broach equipment. The shop must have all other necessary equipment such as bearing presses, drill presses, all necessary machine tools, plasma cutting, wire feed, stick, TIG, and Heliarc welding machines for cast iron aluminum, stainless steel and steel metals with certified welders trained in the operation of this equipment and experienced in metal repair. All maintenance installations repairs or workmanship shall be performed in a responsible manner in accordance with high quality work standards that meet or exceed all warranty and manufacturer recommended procedure that assures the manufacturer honors its warranty. The completed finished component or system must function free of excessive vibration; with motor and pump coupling to be aligned with laser alignment technology. Alignments must be performed by a qualified technician. All couplings must be aligned to within .0001 total run out. All coupling alignments must have a printed read out of final alignment number


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 17, 2023

April 1, 2023


Multiple Locations, La Place, LA

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