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Published February 26, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the renovation of an educational facility.

Replace switchgear within the existing Administration Building. Final questions due no later than 12 noon, Wednesday, March 15, 2023. It is the intent of the following to describe the Scope of Work included in each bid package. The bid shall include all the requirements in the specification sections listed unless specifically excluded below. There are three categories of bid packagesLabor and Material, Material Only, and Labor andEquipment. Labor and Material Bid Packages (L&M): Each separate package shall include all labor, materials, services and incidentals required for a complete installation. The bid shall also include all General Condition items relative to each Scope of Work. Successful Labor Bid Package bidders must provide General Liability, Auto and Workers Compensation with Certificate listing Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the Owner, Architect, Construction Manager and Funding Entity. Material Only Bid Packages (M): Each separate package shall include all labor, materials, services and incidentals required for complete fabrication, manufacture and delivery to the project site the materials included in the designated specification sections and drawings. Labor and Equipment Bid Packages (L): Each separate proposal shall include all required labor and equipment to incorporate into the project specifically designated materials furnished by other bid packages. Successful Labor Bid Package bidders must provide General Liability, Auto and Workers Compensation with Certificate listing Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the Owner, Architect, Construction Manager and FundingEntity. Clarification: If any Bidder is unclear as to the Scope of Work required, contact the Architect/Construction Manager prior to bidding. Prior approval is required for all bid packages. Construction Manager may bid on any or any combination of bidpackages. Owner reserves option to award or reject any and all bid packages. Bonded means this package requires Performance & Payment Bonds (Owner/CM/Architect reserves the right to waive bonding accordingly) Out-of-State Subcontractors to provide proof of registration with the State of Oklahoma upon request per state law. ALL packages are subject to Division 1 Requirements.




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12777 N Rockwell Ave, Oklahoma City, OK

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FTTC Rockwell Campus Administration Building Switchgear Replacement

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