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Published May 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a pre-engineered storage facility in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the construction of a pre-engineered storage facility; and for site work for a pre-engineered storage facility.

New Storage Facility Walnut Lane Park Chester Springs, PA The project will be awarded under Four (4) Separate Prime Contracts as follows General Construction (Including Site Work), Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical . 1) The new power feeder shown on drawing E-2 extending from the new building to the existing salt shed shall be provided per the attached duct bank detail. The digging and backfilling of the trench shall be the responsibility of the site contractor and the installation of the conduit and power feeder shall be the responsibility of the electrical contractor. 2) The footing for the interior masonry walls shall be a depressed slab footing as shown in detail 3/S-4 and shall not be a WF24 footing as shown on the Foundation Plan and in the Footing Schedule on drawing S1.00. 3) The duct bank for the new incoming electric service shall be provided as shown on drawing E-5 and the duct bank details shown on drawing E-1.1 and shall include one road crossing. This was previously issued in Addendum #1. The length of the feeder shall be provided as previously issued in Addendum #1 including a Unit Price for any added length for the feeder. The digging and backfilling of the trench shall be the responsibility of the site contractor and the installation of the conduit and power feeder shall be the responsibility of the electrical contractor(Note: this is different than what is shown on details on drawing E-1.1). 4) The plumbing contractor shall be responsible for all work associated for the owner provided air compressor including all branch piping(Note: this is different than what is shown in the Responsibility Matrix on the plans). 5) Please disregard the work required to supply a water softening system as shown on drawing P-2. Bids must be made on the forms furnished by the Owner and must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond issued by a Surety licensed to conduct business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the amount of at least five percent (5%) of the total price bid made payable to the Owner. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Payment Bonds, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price with a corporate surety approved by the Owner. The Bidder attention is called to the fact that this project is governed by the Pennsylvania Township Code and that various State labor and administrative requirements apply, as noted in the Bid Documents, including the requirement that all wages paid are consistent with the Pennsylvania prevailing wage structure. Award of Contract will be to the lowest responsible bidder, but the Owner reserves the unqualified right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities. fully complete the project within 180 consecutive calendar days

Bid Results

Warehouse / Distribution - Pre-Engineered Storage Building


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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March 31, 2023

May 30, 2023


803 Walnut Ln, Chester Springs, PA

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