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Published February 24, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The University ofArkansas Fayetteville, in accordance with the policies ofthe Board ofTrustees, is soliciting responses from qualified architects forprofessional services contracts ("on-call") for various renovation projects with estimated costs . Please refer to University ofArkansas Board Policy 740.2 for additional information about on-call contracts. The contracts will be for a one-year base term, renewable annually for as many as six additional years, for a maximum term ofseven years. Up to twofirms will be selected. interviews ofshortlistedfirms April 7 Board ofTrustees selection announced May 25 Please include a letter ofintroduction signed by a principal or officer ofthefirm along with a corresponding email address. This email address will be usedfor all communication related to shortlist, interviews, and selection Notice to design teams: FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANNING AND DESIGN | 24 February 2023 The University ofArkansas Fayetteville, in accordance with the policies ofthe Board ofTrustees, is soliciting responses from qualified architects forprofessional services contracts ("on-call") for various renovation projects with estimated costs under $1 million. Please refer to University ofArkansas Board Policy 740.2 for additional information about on-call contracts. The contracts will be for a one-year base term, renewable annually for as many as six additional years, for a maximum term ofseven years. February 24 March 14 April 7 May 25 July 1 The University ofArkansas Board ofTrustees has expressed a clear preference for design teams that include an Arkansas architect. Please note that this will be considered during the selection process Format requirements: Printed responses should be no larger than 8.5in x 11in, limited to 50 sheets maximum (100 pages), fully recyclable (i.e. no plastic covers, plastic tabs, etc.) and bound with glue, staples, or thread (i.e. perfect bound, saddle stitching, etc.). No metal or plastic coils allowed. No loose pages or folders. Responses that do not meet these requirements will be disqualified. Please send a digital copy of the response via email to toddf@uark.edu in addition to the printed booklets. Content requirements: Include the information below and organize it in an easily accessible manner. You do not need to divide the response into chapters exactly matching the descriptions below. Responses that do not include the required licensure information will be disqualified. 1. Proof of licensure or eligibility: Architects: All firms shall be licensed, or eligible for licensure, in the State of Arkansas. Eligible firms not currently licensed in Arkansas must send a letter to the Arkansas State Board of Architects (501- 682-3171/501-682-3172 fax) stating their intent to respond to an RFQ issued by the University of Arkansas. Please include project name, submittal date, and proof of valid NCARB certification in the letter. Consulting and joint venture firms are also required to be licensed by the Arkansas State Board of Architects. Notification to the State Board must be made PRIOR to responding to this solicitation, and A COPY OF EITHER A VALID ARKANSAS LICENSE OR THE LETTER OF INTENT TO THE STATE BOARD DESCRIBED ABOVE FOR ALL TEAM MEMBER FIRMS MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THE RESPONSE. The final selected firm(s) will have 30 days to make application for corporate licensure after they are awarded the contract. 2. Recent project experience (within the past five years) with programming and design of higher education projects (or equivalent quality) of a variety of scales and complexities 3. Recent project experience (within the past five years) with interior renovations of a variety of scales and complexities 4. Experience constructing projects under nationally-recognized sustainable rating systems 5. Current office size, personnel description, and workload 6. Proof of current professional liability insurance coverage ($1,000,000 minimum required) 7. List of projects currently under contract with state agencies or educational facilities 8. Statement of diversity in the workforce, if applicable 9. Certificate of women-owned or minority-owned business, if applicable Professional services required: programming, feasibility assessments, graphic presentation, site planning, interior design, cost evaluation, schematic design, design development, construction documents, construction administration, and project closeout The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




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July 1, 2023


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