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Published September 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving, new construction and renovation of a mixed-use development in Umatilla, Oregon. Completed plans call for the construction of a 7,400-square-foot, two-story above grade municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and for the renovation of a 4,000-square-foot, one-story above grade municipal facility.

Site Directions: Downtown Umatilla, Oregon, corner of Sixth & I Streets The goal of the City of Umatilla for their UMATILLA BUSINESS CENTER & Associated Improvements is to strengthen & enliven the downtown core area and Civic Center of Umatilla, Oregon. Through the renovation of an existing and unoccupied former single story Post Office (approximately 4,000 sf) and the construction of an attached two story new (approximately 7,400 sf) structure, the Business Center Building (approximately 11, 400 interior gsf) will provide a very visible structure offering much needed business incubator and office space, additional city offices, and meeting & community facilities. Project improvements to the adjacent Village Square Park, improvements to an existing thru-block alley to become a pedestrian walkway with four food truck pads, and construction of a new parking lot on an empty quarter block to the south of the Business Center Building will add further value and support to the Business Center building and park uses. Full and half-street and streetscape improvements on portions of three of the four bounding streets of the project block will create more formalized on-street parking as well as streetscape amenities & beautification. Major construction systems of the new 2-story building include a moment-resisting steel frame structure, concrete slab first floor, wood tongue & groove decking/plywood second floor and roof, rigid board & batt insulations, powder-coated metal roofing & exterior wall finish, exterior veneer plaster wall finish, steel stud & sheetrocked new walls, and storefront aluminum window & openings systems throughout including new and replacement openings. Almost all new construction ceiling areas will be structure exposed to view from below, with few applied ceilings, other than the existing-to-remain sheetrock ceilings in much of the existing one-story building portion of the center. A new two-stop hydraulic elevator as well as a new stairway will connect the two floor levels within a tall 2 1/2 story new public lobby. The new and existing remodeled portions of the Business Center will function as a single facility and will be fully fire sprinklered, as a mixed occupancy, Type VB non-separated building without fire walls. The existing north exterior wall of the former post office will through the addition to it, become predominantly an interior existing wall with new building space adjoining it. Site construction includes a combination of concrete plaza & walkways/curbs, vegetated & landscaped areas, asphalt pavement and markings at streets and parking lot, a variety of streetscape furnishings, and an outdoor open air screened enclosure for trash & certain storage. New site utilities and extensions of existing utilities. A major component of the overall project scope is the undergrounding of all overhead utilities on the overall project site, specifically those currently running above the pedestrian alley. The overall project including building, site and street rights of way areas will be constructed in a single phase and contract. The City of Umatilla as the owner is very committed to the Business Center and dedicated to providing all support to facilitate smooth and efficient project construction including all staging, desired site access, circulation re-routing and closures, surrounding businesses notifications and facilitations, and interface with the utility providers including the undergrounding of existing overhead utilities, and otherwise.




Public - City

New Construction, Paving, Renovation, Site Work





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To Be Determined, Umatilla, OR

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