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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Newport News, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals to furnish/provide residential curbside waste collection services for select City roads. The City currently provides curbside waste collection service to approximately 42,726 single family residential units. The City is interested in outsourcing a portion (approximately 160 single family units) of service on selected roadways. The outsourced collection would be provided Monday through Thursday, and would consist of collecting 160 trash containers (96-gallon) weekly and 160 bulk/brush stops (limited to 6 total cubic yards each) every other week. Question Submission Deadline:March 3, 2023, 1:00pm Complete and provide the Price Proposal with your proposal. Offerors should include any performance guarantees offered with the Price Proposal. Evaluation of Proposals Proposals will be evaluated according to the established evaluation criteria identified herein. The City will select two (2) or more Offeror proposals that are deemed to be fully qualified and best suited to provide the required services contained in the Scope of Work. The City may initiate discussions/interviews and may conduct negotiations with each of the selected Offerors. During negotiations, proposals may be revised by the Offeror and the City may obtain best and final offers. Once negotiations are completed, the City may again make a determination as to whether the Offeror has the capability, integrity or reliability to provide the required services. Only proposals from responsible Offerors that are seen as reasonably susceptible of being selected for award, based on information contained in the proposal, will be evaluated by the City. Should the City determine that only one Offeror is fully qualified or that one Offeror is clearly more highly qualified than others, a contract may be negotiated and subsequently awarded to that Offeror if the City finds that such a selection is in the best interest of the City. 1. General Requirements The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to provide curbside services to the residents of the City and perform other related services. The City shall provide and maintain the automated carts. The Contractor shall provide curbside collection services every week and bulk curbside collection every other week. Curbside refers to the portion of the right-of-way adjacent to paved or traveled public roadways. Containers will be returned in an upright position by the Contractor as close to the roadway as possible without interfering with or endangering the movement of vehicles or pedestrians. When construction work is being performed in the right-of-way, residents may place containers as close as practicable to an access point for the collection vehicle. These containers shall be collected by the Contractor. Contractor shall then return the container to an upright position, as close as possible to the access point. Backyard collection of City-authorized trash carts shall be wheeled to the service truck by hand and the empty cart returned to its origin. The Contractor shall check each routed household in the designated area, and collect trash set out in both the containers provided and the bulk waste that is placed in an eligible manner. The Contractor will notify Public Works Dispatch via telephone or email to document the absence of the trash cart at the curb, if trash carts are not set out on the designated collection day, or if the cart is in any way damaged. Work shall include, but not be limited to, furnishing the following services: Curbside collection services to approximately 160 single family residential units per week. This includes backyard curbside collection services to approximately 20 single family residential units. Additional residential collections may be added as the City may require. All serviced containers must be owned by the City. Bulk/brush curbside collection services to approximately 160 single family residential units every other week. Additional residential collections may be added as the City may require. 2. Scope of Work A. Collection Schedule (Curbside): Curbside collection of waste shall be performed the same day as the City automated garbage collection and bulk collection routes, unless otherwise approved by the City. Currently, the City uses Friday as a preventative maintenance day. During weeks with city-observed holidays, collection services will be delayed one day. A minimum list of City-observed holidays is provided in Appendix III (Attachment C). No routes shall be changed except in an emergency or with the approval of the Director of Public Works. The Contractor shall complete all routes daily as scheduled. In the event of dangerous driving and collection conditions, the Contractor shall obtain approval from the Director of Public Works, or his designee, for suspension of said service. Collection shall be done between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Route collection shall not be scheduled after 5:30 p.m. Collection beyond this time shall be permitted only in the event of a particularly heavy workload due to a holiday or excessive equipment breakdown. Any deviations from the established collection hours shall first be approved by the Director of Public Works or his designee. The Contractor shall be courteous in all interactions with the public and shall refer any complaints/disputes with residents to a supervisor for resolution. Any altercation resulting between the Contractor and a resident shall be reported to the City within a one (1) hour period. Containers shall be returned to the spot at which they were originally set out and handled in a manner that the container is not damaged. Container lids are to be closed upon completion of service. B. Containers (Curbside): The City provides each resident with either a 64 or 96-gallon, lidded, wheel mounted, automated container. The City will be responsible for lost and stolen automated containers and the maintenance to the automated containers including installation of replacement parts due to normal wear and tear and resident abuse. City-provided containers that are damaged by the Contractor's agents, employees, or equipment shall be repaired and/or replaced by the City, and all associated costs deducted from the following month's payment to the Contractor. Costs for repair may not exceed City cost for replacement on a unit price basis. The City shall have the final decision in determining who is responsible for damage. C. Bulk Debris: The Contractor shall collect bulk debris set out at curbside at each eligible residence, as long as the debris is within the legal parameters set forth in Chapter 19-28 of the City Code. A copy of ineligible bulk debris is described in Appendix I (Attachment A). Bulk waste at each individual residence is limited to six (6) cubic yards. D. Disposal Site Requirements: All refuse collected from the City must be segregated and delivered via dedicated route and equipment (truck) to the designated refuse facility, namely the Bethel Landfill, 100 North Park Lane, Hampton, VA 23666. All pricing shall assume the use of the designated route and disposal fees paid directly to the refuse facility operator. E. Description of Contract Area: The contract area is described in Appendix II (Attachment B). F. Emergency Plan: No later than ten (10) working days prior to initiation of service, the Contractor shall submit an emergency plan to the Director of Public Works that shall detail those actions which the Contractor will take to deal with emergency situations, such as extreme cold temperatures, snow/ice, fire, or natural disaster which would require a deviation from normal procedures. The Emergency Plan shall also include emergency phone numbers for the key headquarters, and for key contact persons, such that a responsible contact person is available to the City at all times. G. Office/Communications: The Contractor shall maintain normal business hours (7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.). The office shall be staffed during these hours on regular collection days and during other collection periods as may be scheduled. The City may elect to use email communication. The Contractor shall be capable of sending and receiving email. The Contractor shall notify the City in writing of any change in management, ownership, processing, or staffing levels within ten (10) days of the event. H. Complaints: It is the vision of the City of Newport News Department of Public Works to provide an excellent level of public service where community satisfaction is of utmost importance. Complaints from residential households shall be taken by the City and handled by the Contractor on a daily basis. Complaints or inquires shall be answered within an eight (8) hour workday after receipt by the Contractor. Reported misses shall be collected by the Contractor no later than the next business day (M-F) if notification is received before 5:00 PM. The Contractor shall maintain a list of all complaints received directly by the City, the nature of the complaint, the address of the complainant, the corrective action taken to satisfy the complaint, and a suggested program of improvements to preclude future complaints of a similar nature. A written summary of compliant log shall be delivered to the City monthly for inspection. The Contractor shall also maintain an on-board log in each collection vehicle and supervisor vehicle for the purpose of recording the household address and date of issuance of a container rejection sticker. If a container containing unacceptable materials is set out for collection by a participating resident, the Contractor may decline to collect such materials and shall give the resident warning notice. Such warning notice, or other notice of reasons for the Contractor's failure to collect the materials, shall be given by the use of a rejection notice that the Contractor shall properly mark with reason for leaving the container and date of rejection. Failure to identify reason for rejection of waste will be viewed as a miss on the Contractor's part. The Contractor shall designate a responsible supervisor, with a vehicle, who shall be available at all times within the City limits while collection operations are in progress. The supervisor shall be available to monitor collections, receive and respond to complaints, answer inquiries and resolve disputes with respect to the services supplied pursuant to the contract. The supervisor shall have a cellular telephone to immediately receive complaints and inquiries from the City. Because of the important role the supervisor plays, he/she will need to be available and responsive during normal business hours (7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.). The Contractor shall respond to the City in writing, within one working day of receipt, concerning all complaints, forwarded by the City to the Contractor. I. Site Inspection: Actual households served will be the basis for invoicing the City. All newly constructed homes will be added and demolished homes removed on a monthly basis. The City shall have the right to inspect routes, facilities, recyclables, equipment, complaint logs or procedures during normal business hours. J. Notice to Proceed: Since no interruption of the existing service is permissible, any service transitions must be coordinated and executed on the starting date set forth in the Notice to Proceed. The City will issue the Notice to Proceed within a reasonable time should any changes occur within the contract period after the award of contract. K. Property Damage: Any property damage resulting from the Contractor's operation shall be corrected by the Contractor within five (5) business days. The Contractor will submit in writing what has been done to remedy the situation. L. Litter: The Contractor shall be responsible to ensure the cleanliness of the pickup area immediately after collection. The Contractor shall employ the necessary equipment that will eliminate spillage and scattering of material during the servicing of the containers. Should spillage and/or scattering occur, the Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning and removing any debris resulting from their operation. M. Vehicle Maintenance: The Contractor shall provide an appropriate number of vehicles for regular collection services, and an adequate spare vehicle ratio (6:1) to ensure regular collection services are completed. All collection vehicles shall be equipped with communication equipment to provide immediate contact with the base office. The Contractor shall maintain the vehicles and other equipment utilized in the performance of the services in a well maintained, sanitary, and odor-free condition. Vehicles used for the collection of the material shall be designed to prevent material and/or material residue leakage. The City desires that each vehicle have clearly visible (ex. temporary magnet) on each side the name of the Contractor and the City's telephone number for complaints, and a conspicuous vehicle identification number. N. Billing: The Contractor shall invoice the City on a monthly basis. The Contractor shall submit an invoice for services rendered to the City of Newport News, electronically or by US mail, within ten days following the end of the preceding month. The Contractor's invoice shall indicate: Date of Invoice, Description of Services, City of Newport News Finance Department Address, Vendor Address, Purchase Order #, Invoice Number, Payment Terms, Billing Period, Unit Cost, Quantity, Amount Total, and Total Due. The City shall pay for a full month the number of households available for service for the entire month or added to the collection system before 16th of the month. The City shall not pay for any households added to the collection system on or after the 16th of the month.
Sidewalks / Parking Lot
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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