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Published February 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Princess Anne, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

SHA Princess Anne shop is currently soliciting bids for the Roadside Mowing and Litter Pickup around Guardrail, Signs, Poles, Grass Islands, Gas Line Markers, Culverts, and adjacent areas with Small Mowing Equipment in Somerset County Maryland. This contract will be used as needed to support SHA mowing efforts for the 2023 and 2024 mowing season. II.MALL BUSINESS RESERVE PROCUREMENT This is a Small Business Reserve Procurement for which award will be limited to Certified Small Business vendors. Only vendors that meet the statutory requirements set forth in State Finance and Procurement Article Subsections 14-501 - 14-505, Annotated Code of Maryland, and who are registered with the Department of General Services Small Business Reserve Program are eligible for award of a contract. Refer to Attachment No. II for further information regarding this program. IIIA. ISSUING OFFICE and PROCUREMENT OFFICER Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration A site visit of the roadway conditions is highly recommended before bidding. IIIB. Questions and Inquiries All questions must be submitted in writing and received by the Procurement Officer prior to March 9, 2023 to be considered. Written questions must be sent to the address shown in Section IIIa. It is the vendor's responsibility to ensure that written questions have been received by the Procurement Officer before the deadline. Only information communicated by the Procurement Officer in writing shall be the official position of the Administration and the Administration assumes no responsibility for oral instructions or suggestions regarding this IFB. Each vendor is responsible for carefully reading and understanding the full Any bidder finding any discrepancy in, or omission from, the IFB; or in doubt as to the meaning, shall direct written questions or requests for clarification to the attention of the Procurement Officer identified above who will be the sole point of contact for SHA. V.DURATION OF BID OFFER Prices submitted in response are irrevocable for ninety (90) days following the due date. The Procurement Officer may, however, request vendors to extend the time during which the State may accept their bids. Once a bid is accepted, all prices, terms, and conditions shall remain unchanged throughout the contract period. VI.PROCUREMENT METHOD This solicitation shall be conducted in accordance with COMAR 21.05.07 - Small Procurement Regulations ($50,000 or Less). VII.TERMS and CONDITIONS A.Termination for Nonappropriation. If funds are not appropriated or otherwise made available to support continuation in any fiscal year succeeding the first fiscal year, this Contract shall be terminated automatically as of the beginning of the fiscal year for which funds are not available. The Contractor may not recover anticipatory profits or costs incurred after termination. B.Maryland Law Prevails. The law of Maryland shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Contract. C.Disputes. Disputes arising under this Contract shall be governed by State Finance and Procurement Article, Title 15, Subtitle 2, Part III, Annotated Code of Maryland, and by COMAR 21.10 Administrative and Civil Remedies. Pending resolution of a dispute, the Contractor shall continue to perform this Contract, as directed by the Procurement Officer. D.Changes. This contract may be amended only with the written consent of both parties. Amendments may not significantly change the scope of the Contract (including the Contract price). E.Termination for Default. If the Contractor does not fulfill obligations under this Contract or violates any provision of this Contract, the State may terminate the Contract by giving the Contractor written notice of termination. Termination under this paragraph does not relieve the Contractor from liability for any damages caused to the State. Termination hereunder, including the determination of the rights and obligations of the parties, shall be governed by the provisions of COMAR F.Nondiscrimination. The Contractor shall comply with the nondiscrimination provisions of federal and Maryland law. Anti-Bribery. The Contractor certifies that, to the Contractor's best knowledge, neither the Contractor; nor (if the Contractor is a corporation or partnership) any of its officers, directors, or partners; nor any employee of the Contractor who is directly involved in obtaining contracts with the State or with any county, city, or other


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Princess Anne, MD

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