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Published February 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Oshawa, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Minnesota County Roadway Safety Plan (CRSP - Phase III) MnDOT requests responses for engineering consultants to complete a comprehensive evaluation of up to 56 county roadway networks within the State of Minnesota. The desired emphasis will be on reducing fatal and serious injury crashes on county roadways. Based on crash data statistics, over half of fatal crashes in Minnesota are in rural areas. Because of this overrepresentation of fatal and serious injury crashes in rural areas, specifically on the local roadway system, a statewide initiative was initially developed in 2009 to create County Road Safety Plans for all 87 counties within the state. The goal of this project is to produce an updated subset of traffic safety plans, incorporating new practices, crash data and lessons learned while building on the documents that were previously completed. The updated traffic safety plans will still have a focus on reducing fatal and serious injury crashes on the local roadway system while aligning with the statewide 2020 Strategic Highway Safety Plan, or with future versions of the Strategic Highway Safety Plans. Responders who have any questions regarding this RFP must submit questions, by e-mail only, to: Michael Friberg Michael.friberg@state.mn.us Questions regarding this RFP must be received by MnDOT no later than 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time on 03/28/2023. MnDOT anticipates posting answers to such questions no later than 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time on 03/30/2023. The term of this contract is anticipated to run from 05/01/2023 to 04/30/2025, with the option to extend an additional 3 years in 1-year increments. This RFP does not obligate MnDOT to award a contract or complete the project, and MnDOT reserves the right to cancel the RFP if it is considered to be in its best interest The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. MNDOT - RFP - Minnesota County Roadway Safety Plan (CRSP - Phase III)


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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