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Published September 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Wilson, North Carolina. Working plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; for paving for a educational facility; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

As of September 24, 2024, construction documents are underway for this project. Information regarding a general contractor has not been disclosed. A timeline of construction has not been reached at this time. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: (1) Campus Drainage / Critical Facility Repairs: The project consists of grading, paving, and storm water improvements. Heavy rains create runoff that overwhelms the current storm drainage system along the roadway west of Vestal Hall. The campus workshop is located in space on the lower level of Vestal Hall. The floor elevation of the workshop is approximately 2-3 feet below the road elevation. School staff reports recurring events of flooding inside of the shop space and service court area where drainage is inadequate to handle the water volume. Impacts of the flooding include equipment damage, hazard to occupants during events, and threatens the long-term integrity of the building. Work also includes kitchen dock repairs, Woodard egress repairs, and correction of Vestal building settlement issues. (2) Vestal Hall Roof Replacement: Age and condition of the roof make replacement necessary. General deterioration and leaks at flashing points are common. A second roof coating has been previously added such that no additional roofing can be added without complete tear-off of the existing roof system. The work will include removal of the existing roof systems down to the structural deck. The proposed membrane roof system will remove upgrade the roof insulation to include tapered roof systems with higher performing insulation materials. (3) Williamson Gym HVAC Upgrades The project consists of HVAC improvements purposed to improve air quality and comfort for gymnasium occupants. Currently the gymnasium is heat and ventilation only. The existing steam radiator system will be demolished. These upgrades will utilize energy efficient equipment and allow for outside air use during all operating seasons. This Campus Repairs & Renovations project located at the Eastern NC School for the Deaf in Wilson, NC consists of multiple scopes of work that have been combined into a single project to be performed under one design contract and will include the following repairs and renovations on campus. Total Project Budget $5,266,000 Total. No paper copies are required to be submitted.

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Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Renovation, Site Work

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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January 17, 2025


1311 U.S. Hwy 301 N, Wilson, NC

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