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Published April 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a recreation facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a recreation facility.

On behalf of the City of Philadelphia ("City"), the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority ("PRA") is pleased to issue this Request for Proposals ("RFP") for qualified prime contractors (each, an "Applicant" and together, the "Applicants") for the Murphy Recreation Center project located at 300 W Shunk St, Philadelphia, PA 19148. This project is part of the City's Rebuilding Community Infrastructure Program ("Rebuild"). Questions/Requests for Additional Information PRA will accept questions and requests for additional information directed in writing to RFP@phdc.phila.gov up to 3:00 PM on Thursday, 3/9/23. Questions, responses, and additional information will be posted on the PHDC Website within 5 business days of this date. Related Parties Applicants may submit only one Response to this RFP. Individuals or businesses that are legally related to each other or to a common entity may not submit separate Responses. The PRA and City, in their sole and absolute discretion, retain the right to reject any Response where: 1. Applicants or principals of Applicants are substantially similar or substantially related parties; or; 2. The PRA and City have determined that the Applicant has violated these conditions or the spirit of these conditions. Project Description/Scope of Work Murphy Recreation Center project located at 300 W Shunk St, Philadelphia, PA 19148. Scope in the lightwell area includes: replacement of below grade areaway drains and associated piping, new concrete deck, steps, concrete curb at boiler room door, new louvered steel door and frame, below grade brick pointing, masonry repairs. All concrete decking to provide positive slope to drains. Existing steel grating at sidewalk level that is bolted and or welded in place and may need to be removed to perform work. The scope of the field work includes construction of a synthetic turf athletic field with associated amenities and utilities including updated site lighting, infiltration bed below synthetic turf field, concrete pads, and a prefabricated storage building with electrical connection. Site amenities include team benches, spectator bleachers, combination soccer/football goalposts, chain link fencing, ball control netting, and baseball/softball backstops. Also included is the procurement of a maintenance vehicle with attachments for servicing and maintaining the synthetic turf field. Other site improvements include new concrete sidewalk in the interior of the site, new asphalt paving, mill and overlay asphalt paving, new basketball MURPHY RECREATION CENTER - RFP Page | 4 net standards, and basketball line striping. The project also includes sidewalk reconstruction in portions of the right-of-way which includes expanded tree pits and replacement of select trees. For completed scope of work please refer to the Construction Drawings (Attachment A) and the Specifications (Attachment 2). This project is part of the City's Rebuilding Community Infrastructure Program ("Rebuild").


Amusement and Recreation


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March 21, 2023

April 20, 2023


300 W Shunk St, Philadelphia, PA

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