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Published February 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Lebanon, Missouri. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The City of Lebanon, Missouri ("The City") invites bids from qualified organizations for the design and construction of improvements to the WWTP Building located at 1727 Main Street, Lebanon, Missouri. This bid shall include all material equipment, demolition, labor and/or services required to complete this project as specified herein for the City of Lebanon. Bidders shall submit preliminary drawings of the proposed improvements with their bid per the improvements listed in the scope of work. The awarded bidder will be required to provide Structural, Civil, and MEP design engineered certified/stamped plans, drawings, and specifications prior to the start of work. The engineer must be licensed with the State of Missouri. Work will be performed under the scope of work, schedule for work, and cost based upon rates in agreement. Scope of Work, Plans and Project Specifications: Contractor agrees to perform the Work in a good and workmanlike manner according to the specifications and plans set forth herein and in accordance with Contractor's proposal and pricing which is attached as Exhibit B. Contractor shall be responsible and agrees to perform all work according to the specifications, plans, material standards, mobilization, setup and construction standards, procedures and quality standards set forth in the Contract Documents. If the Project involves the installation or provision of equipment or goods with manufacturer's warranties, Contractor shall transfer the manufacturer's warranty to the City. Contractor further warrants and certifies that any manufacturer's warranty may be transferred to the City. If the Project involves installation of manufactured goods or equipment with manufacturer's warranties, Contractor shall not install the equipment or goods in a manner that voids or limits the original manufacturer's warranty. Unless otherwise directed in writing by the City or specifically stated in the Project Specifications, Plans and Scope of Work, Contractor shall install the equipment or goods in the manner set forth by the manufacturer. 5. Not Applicable. 6. Payment Shall Not Exceed: The City hereby agrees to pay the Contractor for the work done pursuant to this contract according to the payment schedule set forth in the contract Documents upon acceptance of said work by the City and in accordance with the rates and/or amounts stated in the bid of Contractor dated __________________, which by reference made a part hereof. It is expressly understood that in no event will the total compensation and reimbursement to be paid to the Contractor under the terms of this contract exceed the sum of $_______ ___ unless specifically and mutually agreed to in writing by both the City and the Contractor. No partial payment to the Contractor shall operate as approval of acceptance of work done or materials furnished hereunder. Question Deadline 02/28/2024 at 12:00 PM CT


Water / Sewer


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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1727 Main St, Lebanon, MO

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