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Published May 5, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling of a municipal facility in Moab, Utah. Completed plans call for the remodel of a municipal facility.

Interior and exterior renovations to Community Development Building, see attachments #1 and #2 at the following links: Attachment 1 - Scope of Work Attachment 2 - Interact Remodel Plans TIMELINES: To be considered, one (1) sealed copy of the bid, clearly marked, shall be submitted to Gabriel Woytek at 125 E Center St, Moab, UT 84532, no later than 5:00 pm, Friday, March 19th. Outside of envelope must be clearly marked: "Grand County - CDB REMODEL". INSTRUCTIONS FOR RESPONDING TO THIS RFB: It is incumbent upon each respondent to carefully examine these specifications, terms and conditions. Any clarification or additional information shall be made in writing to the appropriate person called out on the cover page. When appropriate the County will respond through written means. If it becomes necessary to revise or amend any part of this RFB, notice will be given to all respondents who are registered when receiving this bid package. Bidders must acknowledge receipt of the amendment in their bid. Each bidder should ensure that they have received all amendments to this RFB before submitting their bids. Please check the Bids & RFPs page on the Grand County website at www.grandcountyutah.net for any amendments. BIDS: Attached bid forms are to be completed as instructed and one (1) sealed and marked set is to be returned in response to this RFB. Include copies of the following as part of the RFB: Exhibit A - Scope of Work Exhibit B - Professional Licenses(s) and Insurance Form 1 - Public Records Law Form 2 - Bid Breakdowns Business license Proof of Insurance documents Bond documents SELECTION SCHEDULE: Each bid will be reviewed by a selection committee that may include but is not limited to elected officials, County staff members, and invitees of the County. The committee will evaluate the written bids and rank each bid on the considerations noted in RFB. The committee may request the top bidders to attend an interview and provide additional information to the committee. Such a request will be made, in writing, to the organization's designee, as listed in the bids. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION IN THE SELECTION PROCESS: The selection of the successful bidder will be based upon the following criteria: Compliance with and information provided in the RFB. The company's recent experience with providing services of similar size and scope and the satisfaction of previous client(s). Licenses and bonds required to perform work within the State of Utah. Demonstrated attention to detail. Cost of service. The number of facilities that a respondent submits bids on. All other criteria deemed pertinent by the committee in review of the bids. The County will endeavor to negotiate a contract with the successful bidder. In the event that a mutually agreeable contract cannot be negotiated with other than the first bidder, it is anticipated that negotiations will begin with the next highest rated bidder and so on until a mutually agreeable contract can be negotiated.




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