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Published March 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Holly Ridge, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Description: Bids will be received by the Onslow Water & Sewer Authority, to provide all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to replace one GE 50 HP Vertical Turbine Motor, and one Floway 14JKL Pump with new components (Motor and Pump), along with all electrical wiring and local controls (Hand-Off-Auto type) necessary to serve the automated filter pump system at this facility as specified. All work is to be performed at the Dixon Water Treatment Plant (WTP), 6661 Wilmington Highway, Holly Ridge NC 28445. This is an informal request for bids and the bids received will not be public until the project is awarded. NC Certified HUB Vendors are encouraged to submit bids for all bidding opportunities at ONWASA. For more information, see the complete Request for Bid under "Related Documents" down below. Any questions pertaining to the Scope of Work or the ONWASA Specifications should go to Tiffany Riggs, Chief Financial Officer, via email at triggs@onwasa.com. a) Provide signal wiring for the run speed feedback from two (2) 100 HP VFD's from the MCC to the Main PLC located in the office of the plant. Points to land the wiring in the PLC will be provided by ONWASA. b) Provide and install one (1) US Motors, 100 HP, 1800 rpm, 460 Volt, 3 Phase, Frame 404VP, Inverter Rated motor with WPI Enclosure. c) Provide and install one (1) GOULDS 16DMC, 1 Stage, 1770 RPM, pump capable of 2600 GPM at 94' of TDH. d) Provide all gaskets, flanges, fittings, and fasteners necessary for installation. e) Replace insulation and metal wrapping from weighted arm check valve to discharge head. f) Provide and install all wiring and conduit necessary to mount the motor and pump to the existing detention tank, connect them to the MCC and create a fully functioning system upon completion. a) Installation shall utilize existing components and wiring where possible; any removed components shall be turned over to ONWASA for final disposition. b) ONWASA shall be responsible for the communications infrastructure necessary to connect the Filter Pump to the SCADA network. The Contractor shall install ONWASA-provided components if necessary to create a fully functioning system. c) Contractor shall conduct testing and verification of all installed components prior to final acceptance of the work; testing shall be witnessed by ONWASA personnel. d) Contractor must provide to ONWASA a bound document with an updated list of all installed components and manufacturer's operation / maintenance information before final payment is made.


Water / Sewer


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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March 16, 2023

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6661 Wilmington Hwy, Holly Ridge, NC

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