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Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Appleton, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the construction of a 9,400-square-foot municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; 20,000-square-foot pre-engineered storage facility; and pre-engineered storage facility.

Project No: 22-040, 31220256.000 Requesting bids for the construction of a new 911 Communications Center and a 20,000 sf storage facility for the Sheriff's Department. The deadline for vendor questions will be noon CT on April 25, 2023. Questions shall be directed to All questions will be compiled and answered May 1st will also be the last date for the final addendum (if necessary). Liquidated damages will be assessed to the Contractor at a rate of $250 per calendar day for each past the listed substantial completion date for each area. Be prepared at the site visit on April 11th to discuss any issues in regards to the completion date. The County may consider extending the substantial completion dates if listed dates are unreasonable to material lead times or other circumstances. If the County agrees to alter the substantial completion dates an addendum will be issued stating the change. A contract will be issued no later than end of day June 2, 2023. The awarded contractor must file all bonds and insurance and return the signed contract by end of day June 16, 2023. The awarded contractor will be given 255 calendar days (to February 29, 2024) to achieve substantial completion of the storage facility and any site work relating to the storage facility. The awarded contractor will be given 561 calendar days (to December 31, 2024) to achieve substantial completion of the 911 Communication Center and all related site work with the exception of landscaping. The awarded contractor will be given 712 calendar days (to May 31, 2025) to active substantial completion of the landscaping.




Public - County

New Construction, Site Work





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May 10, 2023

July 10, 2023


3030 Goodland Dr, Appleton, WI

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