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Site work for a water / sewer project in Natick, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The work consists of cleaning and lining approximately seventy thousand nine hundred (7,900) linear feet of water main along Eliot (Route 16) and Everett Street in the Town of Natick. Work also includes replacement of water services from water main to property line and abandonment of approximately one thousand nine hundred (1,900) linear feet of 10" diameter water main. The Contractor shall supply all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work shown on the Contract Drawings and hereinafter contained in the Specifications. No faxed or email, or conditional bids shall be accepted. If the Procurement Office within the DPW Building is closed due to weather or other emergency, the deadline for receipt of bids shall be extended until 9:00 A.M. local time on the next business day upon which the Procurement Office is open for business. Each and every Bid shall be submitted on the Bid Form furnished with the Bidding Documents and shall be addressed to the Select Board. Each and every Bid shall be sealed in an envelope which is clearly marked in the lower left hand corner "BID FOR CONTRACT NO. W-166 ROUTE 16 WATER MAIN CLEANING AND LINING." Bidding documents are available in electronic PDF file format and hard copy format. Electronic file can be obtained by contacting Haley Ward, Inc. at (978) 648-6025 Hard copy documents may be obtained from the office of Haley Ward, Inc. 63 Great Road, Suite 200, Maynard, MA 01754-2097, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M All requests for mailing Bidding Documents shall be accompanied by a separate, nonrefundable handling and mailing fee in the amount of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) in cash or a separate check made payable to Haley Ward, Inc. One (1) set of Bidding Documents will be furnished for the deposit and mailing fee stated. Complete instructions for filing Bids are included in the Instructions to Bidders. Every Bid shall be submitted in full accordance with those Instructions to Bidders. Bids shall be valid only when accompanied by all of the following: (1) a fully completed and properly executed "Bid Form for General Bid"; (2) Bid security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the amount bid, in a form as described in the Instructions to Bidders and made payable to the "Town of Natick Select Board." Attention of the Bidder is called to the requirements for minimum prevailing wage rates to be paid under this Contract and the reporting associated thereto. Minimum prevailing wage rates are required as per M.G.L, c, 149, 26 to 27D, inclusive. Minimum prevailing wage rates determined by the Commissioner are as contained in the Supplementary Conditions section of the Contract Documents. Bids for this Contract are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. c. 30, 39M. The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Payment and Performance Bond, with a surety company which is acceptable to Owner, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) full amount of the Contract. Contract payment will be by the unit price and lump sum price method as indicated on the Bid Form. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date designated above for the opening. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids or to accept any Bid deemed by it to be in the best interest of the Town of Natick, and, to the extent permitted by law, to limit the extent of the work to keep within the limits of available funds. The award of any Contract pursuant to this Invitation for Bids is subject to appropriation by Natick Town Meeting. Bidder's attention is directed to the Non-Discrimination in Employment and Affirmative Action Program requirements of this Contract. The requirements of these programs are explained in the Instructions to Bidders and in Part I of the Supplementary Conditions of the Contract. This Contract includes a price adjustment clause for gasoline and diesel fuel, Portland cement and liquid asphalt used on-site from start through the completion date, as contained in Section 01015 - Price Adjustments for Specific Materials. Work included: 1. The Work of this Contract is located in the Town of Natick, MA, on Eliot St (Rt 16) beginning at the intersection of Union St extending to Everett Street and on Everett Street ending at the intersection of Cottage Street. 2. The Work on Eliot Street includes the abandonment of approximately one thousand nine hundred (1,900) linear feet of ten-inch (10") diameter cast iron water main. a. All water services will be transferred to existing sixteen-inch (16") ductile iron water main including new water service tubing from main to stop, corporation and curb stop. b. Work also includes furnishing and installing hydrant branches where shown on the Contract Documents. c. Work also includes connection to existing water mains. d. Trench pavement restoration consists of temporary and permanent trench paving and full road-width milling and full width overlay. See specification and drawing for required depths and overlay limits. e. Pit pavement restoration consist of permanent trench paving. f. The finished pavement restoration consists of milling and overlay from Sta 0+75 to 19+20. g. Pit backfill to be controlled density fill above the select borrow followed by process gravel road sub-base. The cleaning and lining work on Everett St and Eliot St includes approximately seven-thousand nine hundred (7,900) linear feet of ten-inch (10") and six-inch (6") diameter cast iron water main. a. Work also includes installing new water services from the water main to the property line with new corporation and curb stops. b. Work also includes furnishing and installing hydrant branches where shown on the Contract Documents. c. Work also includes connection to existing water mains and replacement of valves where indicated on the Contract Drawings. d. The trench pavement restoration consists of temporary and permanent trench paving. e. Pit pavement restoration consists of permanent trench paving. f. Pit backfill to be controlled density fill above the select borrow followed by process gravel road sub-base. Gate Valve Hardware Replacement a. The Town wants to expose gate valve hardware at various locations around the town to determine if the gate valve hardware has deteriorated due to non-stainless steel hardware. b. The locations selected, as identified on the drawings included in the appendix section of the contract specifications, for hardware replacement were based on town records indicating gate valves were installed in the 80's. c. The work will include excavation down to the valve, replacement of the hardware with new stainless-steel hardware, even if the hardware is in good condition. d. Pit backfill to be controlled density fill above the select borrow followed by process gravel road sub-base. e. Pit pavement restoration consists of permanent trench paving. Furnishing Hydrants and Water Supply Parts a. Contractor shall furnish and deliver 12 hydrants to the Water Division stock yard at the Oak Street pit in Natick. b. Contractor to furnish and deliver the following water supply parts to the Water Division stock yard at the Oak Street pit in Natick. a) Furnish 6 6" gate valves b) Furnish 65 service ball valves c) Furnish 65 curb stops d) Furnish 65 curb boxes e) Furnish 65 corporations


Water / Sewer


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MA-16, Natick, MA

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