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Published March 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Contractor must supply all materials, cleaning supplies, equipment, labour, and supervision as necessary to provide custodial services for Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) at the National Hydrology Research Centre (NHRC) and Prairie Northern Wildlife Research Centre (PNWRC) in Saskatoon, SK, as detailed herein during the period of the Contract. The Contractor must supply at a minimum: One full time day shift cleaner starting at 8:00AM (0800 HRS) and ending at 4:00PM (1600 HRS). This position must have transportation (no walking/bicycling) between the NHRC and PNWRC to perform duties at both locations daily. The Contractor must supply, at a minimum, two cleaning staff persons, per building, for the evening shift at NHRC and PNWRC. It is part of NHRC and PNWRC policy that no cleaning staff are to work alone in the building past 5:00PM (17:00 HRS) Monday to Friday. Evening cleaning staff are required to be onsite from 5:00PM (1700 HRS) to 8:00PM (2000 HRS) Monday to Friday. Cleaning services pre-approved by the Site Authorities may extend past 8:00PM (2000 HRS) and be completed no later than 9:00PM (2100 HRS). The number of cleaning staff over the minimum stated above is to be determined by the Contractor to ensure the Work is completed as per contract. In the event of cleaning services provided outside of the Monday to Friday cleaning hours, including weekends and statutory holidays, a minimum of two cleaning staff must be provided and pre-approved by the Site Authorities. Any cleaning staff not acceptable to the Site Authorities because of incompetence, improper conduct, communication difficulty, policy violation or being a security risk will be removed from the work site and replaced by the Contractor immediately by instruction of the Site Authorities. The Contractor will provide stand by cleaning staff in the event that assigned regular cleaning staff are unable to provide services to NHRC or PNWRC. The Contractor must send an email as soon as normally possible to the Site Authorities of any staff absenteeism and fill in of stand by staff, then provide a follow up email notification of the situation and what was done to correct it within 24 hours. The Contractor will be required to supply the names of security cleared designated stand by staff to the Site Authorities at start of the Contract. Any changes to the list of stand by staff must be updated when they take place and supplied in email written form to the Site Authorities within 24 hrs of the change. The Contractor will ensure that all staff working onsite adhere to the Canadian and Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Canadian Labor Code, National Fire Code, and any applicable regulatory codes while performing their work tasks. Formal Hours of Work: Any cleaning services required and/or requested outside of the Monday to Friday hours of work must be pre-approved by the Site Authorities. Monday to Friday cleaning services will commence no earlier than 8:00 AM (08:00 HRS) and be completed by no later than 8:00 PM (20:00 HRS). Dayshift start and end time for NHRC and PNWRC is 8:00AM (0800 HRS) to 4:00PM (1600 HRS) Monday to Friday. Evening shift start and end time for NHRC and PNWRC is 5:00PM (1700 HRS) to 8:00PM (2000 HRS) Monday to Friday. Bidders must communicate with the Contracting Authority (Heidi.Noble@ec.gc.ca) no later than March 13 by 10:00 AM CST to confirm attendance and provide the name(s) of the person(s) who will attend. Bidders will be required to sign an attendance sheet. Bidders should confirm in their bid that they have attended the site visit. Bidders who do not attend the mandatory site visit or do not send a representative will not be given an alternative appointment and their bid will be declared non-responsive. Any clarifications or changes to the bid solicitation resulting from the site visit will be included as an amendment to the bid solicitation.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 3, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Saskatoon, SK

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