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Published September 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Keene, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Scope of Services Sought The Owner is seeking full design/build services for this project to design and build the proposed project in accordance with the requirements set forth in this solicitation, its attachments and referenced documents, applicable codes, laws and regulations, and meeting with the owner's full satisfaction and approval. At a minimum, professional disciplines shall include architecture and code review as well as structural, plumbing, fire protection, mechanical and electrical engineering as necessary. The owner intends to engage these services via the USNH standard design/build form of agreement (see Form of Contract) including all basic services as identified therein plus the following: In addition to design meetings with owner personnel, multiple meetings with the N.H. State Fire Marshal's office may be required relative to building and life safety code matters. Provide coordination of construction, equipment installation, or other required work provided by the owner's own forces or separate contractors employed by the owner (e.g. electrical and telecommunications utility work; telecommunications wiring inside building). Prepare as-built record drawings, in a owner-approved format, for the owner's archive. Provide complete warranty and operation and maintenance manuals, electronically (Adobe PDF) and hardcopy (3nsets). Provide detailed on-site training of owner personnel and third-party service providers to adequately operate and maintain the completed facility. Deadline for written questions 08/01/2024 at 12:00 p.m. Project Overview KSC is seeking a Design Build firm to design and coordinate replacement of mansard slate roof section and wood trim around the perimeter and third floor windows of Joslin House. Over the years, the copper flashing has eroded and rodents have created numerous breaches in the wood trim. KSC is seeking proposals for firms who can find ways to maintain the historical aesthetic of the building while providing materials and worksmanship that will last another 30+ years. Project Budget and Funding The total design/build cost for the Joslin Hall Roof Renovations shall include all site work, any required vehicle and pedestrian access, utility connections, as well as the new facilities. It shall also include all design fees, additional geotechnical services, and any other survey and environmental analysis and permitting that will be required. This project is funded by KSC. Formal USNH Board of Trustee approval will not be required prior to the start of any construction. Design work may proceed as soon as an agreement is executed. Project Schedule It is the Owner's goal to begin design immediately after award and to have this construction work completed for a certificate of occupancy no later than 6/30/25. Construction can commence only after full design has been fully reviewed and approved by the owner, and the overall project and its funding have been approved by the USNH Board of Trustees. Substantial Completion shall be attained as quickly as possible within the project budget provided. A complete schedule delineated by the design/build team and approved by the owner will become the project schedule. Payment and Performance Bonds: (required on all projects of $100,000 or greater) Awarded firm will be expected to provide payment and performance bonds, each in the amount of one hundred (100%) of the contract sum, as security for the faithful performance of its contract and for the payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith. The bonds shall be drawn and have as surety a surety company acceptable to the Owner. The bonds shall be worded exactly like the bonds referenced in these documents. USNH bond documents, 00610 and 00620 are available in the Buyer Attachments section of this event. Other bond formats are not acceptable. Original bonds shall be delivered to: KSC Project Manager Colin Burdick at: cburdick@keene.edu USNH will only accept electronic bonds



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