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Published April 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.
For 2023 Liquid Fuels Road Program In general, the work consists of, but is not limited to: construction of ADA compliant curb ramps, asphalt pavement milling, removal of existing gutter pipes and metal plates under each intersection, full depth pavement repairs, pavement base repairs, installation of leveling/scratch course and wearing course, installation of roof leader gutter drains, installation of concrete curb for driveway aprons with steel reinforcement, installation of concrete stairs with handrail, pavement line striping and replacement of pavement markings. The work also includes mobilization, maintenance and protection of traffic and erosion and sediment controls, as necessary to perform the work. The project is located within the municipal limits of the Borough of Conshohocken in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, as shown on the project plans. The roadways included in the 2023 Liquid Fuels Road Program are as follows: 1. Harry Street from 4Pth P Avenue to 8Pth P Avenue; 2. Spring Mill Avenue from 4Pth P Avenue to Cherry Street. CLARIFICATION DEADLINE 3/24/2023 5:00 PM This project is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Municipal Liquid Fuels Program. All material must meet current PennDOT Specifications. Bidders are required to provide Bid Security in an amount equal to 10% of the total amount bid. Bid Security may be provided in the form of a certified check or a bid bond issued by a Surety Company licensed to transact such business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Upon award of a contract, the Successful Bidder shall provide a Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond, each in the amount of 100% of the awarded contract value. Upon completion of the contract, the Successful Bidder shall provide a 2-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 100% of the final contract value. Bidders are required to comply with the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act of 1961, P.L. 987, No. 442, where the project cost is $100,000 or above for locally funded highway and bridge projects. Only the Successful Bidder for a contract will be responsible for payment of a fee to electronically and for bearing the cost thereof. The amount of the fee due to electronically is either 1/3% (0.0033) of the initial contract award amount for fixed fee contracts or 1/6% (0.00166) of the expected contract value for term contracts and will be invoiced by electronically to the successful bidder upon award of a contract by the Local Contracting Unit. The minimum fee is set at $100.00 and the maximum fee is capped at $5,000.00. 1. Mobilization, maintenance and protection of traffic (both vehicular and pedestrian), and temporary erosion and sediment controls as required to perform the work. 2. Replacement of concrete curb ramps with ADA compliant curb ramps where indicated on plans, including roadway and landscaping restoration. 3. Pavement Reconstruction. a. Excavate to required depths to meet proposed grades and for proposed asphalt swales. b. Remove of existing pipe gutters that pass under portions of each intersection and associated metal plates. 4. Pavement Milling and Paving, Base Repairs, and Pavement Markings. a. The limits for asphalt pavement milling shall be determined and marked out by the Borough. b. The Contractor shall inventory existing striping before beginning of milling operations. c. The Contractor shall sawcut existing asphalt as required to provide quality, neat and even joints between existing and proposed surfaces. d. The Contractor shall perform asphalt pavement milling of 1.5-inch depth on existing asphalt roadway surfaces as described below. e. The Contractor shall provide a fully loaded tri-axle dump truck to proof roll the milled roadway surface. The limits and types of base repairs shall be determined and marked out by the Borough during the proof roll. f. The Contractor shall perform all utility adjustments as required to facilitate the wearing course overlay and full depth reconstruction as shown on the project plans. g. The Contractor shall install base course pavement in all full depth reconstruction areas. h. At the direction of the Engineer, the Contractor shall install a leveling/scratch course of asphalt wearing course material. i. The Contractor shall hot tack roadway before placement of wearing course. j. The Contractor shall install new one and one-half inch (1.5") thick wearing course pavement on all roadways as shown on the project plans. k. The Contractor shall construct surface level asphalt swales in wearing course as shown on the project plans. l. The Contractor shall seal all curbs, inlets, manholes, water boxes, driveways, etc. with PG 64S-22 or equal after resurfacing. 5. Installation of new roof leader gutter drain piping where indicated on plans. 6. Construction of concrete stairs with handrails where indicated on plans. 7. Relocation of stop signs where indicated on plans. 8. Adjustment of manholes and utilities as needed to install new wearing course overlay. 9. The Contractor shall replace all existing pavement markings on resurfaced roadways. 10. The Contractor shall provide as-built drawings of all new ADA curb ramps and full depth pavement reconstruction areas as described in specification section 01781 - Record Documents. Alternate Bid No. 1 - Spring Mill Avenue (from 4UPUth UPU Avenue to Cherry Street) A. The work for Alternate Bid No. 1 includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following major work and contract items: 1. Mobilization, maintenance and protection of traffic (both vehicular and pedestrian), and temporary erosion and sediment controls as required to perform the work. 2. Pavement Milling, Base Repairs, and Pavement Markings. a. The limits for asphalt pavement milling shall be determined and marked out by the Borough. 3. Adjustment of manholes and utilities as needed to install new wearing course overlay. 4. The Contractor shall replace all existing pavement markings on resurfaced roadways.
Bid Results
Roads / Highways
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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