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Site work for a residential development in Tawas City, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a residential development.

This project is to construct a new poured concrete foundation to support a single story residence and attached garage with a total estimated footprint of 2,368+/- SF. The building is to be constructed west of the IRESA school and north of Highway M-55 on property owned and utilized by IRESA as part of their Building Trades program; recognized hereinafter as the Owner. As with the previous residential structure on the same site that is now nearing completion, the Owner is soliciting competitive sealed bids from Contractors to install a poured concrete foundation. Additional work includes site excavation, installation of a footing drain system, sand backfill and compaction activities to provide a complete foundation system that the Owner will then utilize for instruction purposes to complete all follow-on aspects of the buildings construction. These specifications, per the 2015 Michigan Residential Building Code, provide additional information to the Contractor with regards to the foundation construction only. In addition to these specifications and as part of the bid package, also included are plans prepared by Bernard Lumber of Hale and various details and bid form prepared by Russo Engineering, Inc. It is noted here that the Bid Form identifies the sequencing and division of work between the Contractor and Owner with regard to the site development and foundation construction. All construction activities following those identified to be completed by the Contractor shall be the responsibility of the Owner with regards to permitting, design, construction and interfacing with any/all agencies having jurisdiction to include the local Building Authority and Health Department. The responsibility of this Engineer in these documents is for the limited site and foundation structural design of the project, as well as providing competitive bidding assistance as necessary. Any site plan approval process shall be administered by the Owner, as applicable. Building site and foundation details are based upon site visits by this Engineer, discussions with the Owner and review of the residential plans prepared by Bernards. It is the Contractors responsibility to field verify and review all plans and details, or in other words perform their due diligence, prior to submitting any sealed bid and before eventually ordering materials Construction is intended to commence after May 1, 2023. The project must be completed no later than August 30, 2023 when students return for the next school year. Bid bonds are required. Payment and performance bonds will be required. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, however it is intended to make award of a firm, fixed price contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder based upon the rules outlined in the Bid Form.


Residential Subdivision


Public - County

Site Work




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March 24, 2023

May 1, 2023


27 N Rempert Rd, Tawas City, MI

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