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Published May 11, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Owensboro, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

**As of May 11, 2023, project was awarded to Ohio Valley 2-Way Radio, awarded amount is $60,589.79.** SCOPE: Daviess County Fiscal Court is seeking a qualified vendor to provide and install two (2) new community notification sirens at the locations detailed in the bid specifications. II. EQUIPMENT: This bid will include installation of the following equipment: a. Two (2) VSBC80 Solar Power Sources for the locations denoted in Section 2.1; Subsection V. b. Two (2) Whelen VortexR4 Rotating Sirens or documented equivalents. This should include all shipping, testing and electrical subcontractor work, as well as: i. Two Way Radio Controls (VC230NV) ii. Intrustion Alarm (VINTRU) iii. Speak Pole Top Bracket (VPTB) iv. Batteries (BSETVOR) (x1 Pair) v. Siren Programming (Siren Address Supplied by Customer) vi. Freight vii. Operation: 1. TX RX 154.085 MHZ 2. TX RX PL 203.5 Hz viii. Yagi Antenna ix. Siren Cabinet III. SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY: All rotating sirens must be compatible with Daviess County Emergency Management's current system. The bidder may contact Deputy EMA Director Chris Cunningham @ (270)-685- 8448 in order to determine compatibility with the current system. IV. INSTALLATION: Installation will be at the following locations with the following instructions: a. UNIT 1 SPECIFICATIONS i. Location: Behind Thruston-Philpot Volunteer Fire Department, 2476 Reid Road, Owensboro, KY 42303 ii. Removal/Replacement: The current siren 2001 shall be removed and transferred to EMA for storage. iii. Pole: There is an existing pole set and ready. The bidder should not include the cost of a new pole in their lump sum pricing. iv. LAT/LONG: 37.778161, -87.021949 b. UNIT 2 SPECIFICATIONS i. Location: Timber Trail, Owensboro, KY 42303 - At the end of the dead end street. ii. Removal/Replacement: There is no existing unit to remove. iii. Pole: There is an existing pole set and ready. The bidder should not include the cost of a new pole in their lump sum pricing. iv. LAT/LONG: 37.723679, -87.040547 V. UNIT EQUIVALENCY CLAUSE: The bid specifications are specific to a Whelen VortexR4 Rotating Siren and a VSBC80 Solar Power Source. This is not meant to deter any other bidder, but merely to denote the target performance desired by Daviess County Fiscal Court. Any equivalent siren may be bid with exceptions noted in the bid submission.




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Multiple Locations, Owensboro, KY

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