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Published June 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in Montreal, Quebec. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Reference number : 1699668 Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2023-03-20 Submission sent electronically accepted: Yes, in a single submission document Expected duration of the contract without the options (in months): 4 Estimated value: $733,600 to $6,056,099 The Université de Montréal is issuing a call for tenders in order to retain the services of a general contractor for development, electrical and mechanical work to be carried out at Pavilion 647, at 3744 rue Jean Brillant located at its Mountain Campus. Summary of the project and the work to be carried out The school of optometry wishes to receive more students for the next fall 2023 session. The work must be carried out during the summer holidays (see details below). The call for tenders includes 3 distinct projects from the Université de Montréal, as follows: Project 55952: A- Pre-clinical laboratory expansion 290-06 Currently, the laboratory does not meet the needs of the school of optometry in terms of capacity, layout and functionality of the spaces that will be dedicated to teaching. The school of optometry wishes to increase the reception capacity of the pre-clinical laboratory for the fall 2023 start of the school year scheduled for September 01, 2023. In collaboration with the professionals, it was agreed to increase the number of cubicles, set up a separate space for classes and storage in accordance with the plans and specifications of the professionals. In addition, collaboration with the UdeM audiovisual IT team will be necessary to install the required equipment. For more details, please consult the plans and specifications of the professionals. B- Expansion of classroom 107 The school of optometry wishes to increase the reception capacity of classroom 107 for the fall start scheduled for September 01, 2023. In collaboration with the professionals, it was agreed to enlarge the room of the classroom courses, to increase the number of rows (tables and seats) and to electrify the existing tables. In addition, collaboration with the UdeM audiovisual IT team will be necessary to install the required equipment. For more details, please consult the plans and specifications of the professionals. Project 55968: Neuro-Opto Clinic Layout The school of optometry wishes to set up a new clinic specializing in Neuro-Opto for the fall start scheduled for September 01, 2023. In addition, collaboration with the UdeM audiovisual IT team will be necessary in order to install the required equipment. For more details, please consult the plans and specifications of the professionals. Project 55974: Research laboratory layout 107-03 The school of optometry wishes to expand the research laboratory located next to classroom 107 for the fall start scheduled for September 01, 2023. In addition to the required facilities, the work will have to be carried out at the same time as the lot 01(B). In addition, collaboration with the UdeM audiovisual IT team will be necessary to install the required equipment. For more details, please consult the plans and specifications of the professionals Specificities common to the projects: Three separate contracts are planned according to the projects mentioned above, a purchase order created for each of the three (3) projects, a request for payment assigned to each project will be required. On the other hand, with regard to the acceptance of the works, there will be a single certificate of provisional acceptance and a single certificate of final acceptance for all the works of the three projects resulting from the call for tenders in question. Work schedule: The Contractor agrees to take all the necessary measures to respect the planned schedule to start the work on or around 2023-04-26 allowing the issuance of the Certificate of Final Acceptance no later than: 2023-08 -15




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Renovation, Site Work

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3744 Rue Jean-Brillant, Montreal, QC

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