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Site work for a road / highway in Andover, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

Ledge Road Landfill Closure The work of this Contract is located at the former municipal Ledge Road Landfill located off Chandler Road and Greenwood Road in the Town of Andover, Massachusetts, and in adjacent wetland areas located immediately west and downgradient of the former landfill. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to complete the closure and post closure reuse of the former Ledge Road Landfill as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein, including but not limited to: 1. Mobilization. 2. Site preparation including sediment and erosion controls, temporary construction fence, clearing and grubbing, grading, and waste consolidation. 3. Removal of arsenic impacted wetland soils and associated wetland restoration. 4. Construction of the landfill capping system inclusive of passive landfill gas controls and stormwater management controls. 5. Improvements to the Greenwood Road drainage system including installation of new deepsump catch basins, installation of in-line separator, installation of new 18-inch outfall piping within drainage easement, and new outlet in the wetlands just southeast of the landfill to replace the existing failed outfall piping system partially located on landfill property with and existing outfall on private property. 6. Wetland replication and mitigation measures. 7. Clean-up and demobilization. The Work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Submit required plans and schedules. 2. Install temporary Site Identification Sign. Site Identification Sign shall meet the specifications of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act Order of Conditions issued by the Town Andover Conservation Commission. 3. Locate and flag wetlands based on the wetland flags shown on the Drawings. 4. Locate and stake the limits of the drainage easement located south of the landfill and the property boundaries between Town owned property and the residents on Pettingell Avenue. 5. Locate and stake the location of erosion controls for approval by Town of Andover Conservation Commission or Agent of the Commission prior to installation. 6. Install temporary construction fence where shown on the Drawings. 7. Establish approved stormwater controls and sedimentation and erosion controls in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act Order of Conditions and Superseding Order of Conditions, including but not limited to installation of compost sock where shown on the Drawings and catch basin filters in nearby downgradient catch basins on Greenwood Road. All work shall also meet requirements of the Army Corps of Engineers GP 8 and MassDEP 401 Water Quality Certificate issued for the project. 8. Stage construction and maintain the Site in a manner that prevents sedimentation of the surrounding wetlands, nearby catch basins, and associated damage from on-site construction. 9. Prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations and submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) for discharge under the NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities. The Contractor shall be responsible for implementing, monitoring, and modifying the SWPPP for construction activities to meet changing project site conditions. The SWPPP shall be prepared and approved prior to start of construction. 10. Submit to MassDEP's Division of Watershed Management's Surface Water Discharge Permit Program a complete application of BRP WM 09 - Approval of NPDES Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans for Construction or Industrial General Permits Discharging to Outstanding Resource Waters (ORWs). Such permit shall be obtained prior to the start of construction. 11. Stake wetland soil removal areas in the field as shown on the Drawings for Engineer's verification, prior to initiation of removal actions. Engineer shall collect samples around perimeter prior to excavation to confirm limits. 12. Excavate wetland soils as shown on the Drawings and as specified and transport to the landfill for disposal using approved routes. Wetland soils shall not be transported over public roads. Dry wetland soils as required to ensure no free liquids are present prior to disposal. Dispose wetland soils beneath landfill cap in area designated on Drawings. Thickness of disposed wetland soils shall not exceed 12 inches. a. Removal of contaminated soil in Soil Removal Areas #4 and #6 shall be performed by hand methods and/or by vacuum excavator, to ensure no stream banks are disturbed. In soil removal areas #4 and #6, no heavy equipment is permitted within the following resource areas: Land Under Water and Waterways, Bank and associated Bordering Vegetated Wetland. 13. Abandon existing underdrain system located northwest of landfill. 14. Coordinate with utility to disconnect power from the site. After confirming that power has been terminated, remove all wires (both underground and overhead) back to the disconnect point. Remove all poles. Abandon underground conduit in place. 15. Remove all above ground features and foundations within the project limits, except bleachers or items as noted on the Drawings, and dispose off-site in accordance with all regulations. 16. Clear and grub landfill to the limits of work shown on the Drawings. 17. Perform all waste relocation and consolidation as shown on the Drawings. Test pit logs delineation edge of waste are provided in Appendix D. 18. Complete initial shaping and grading of landfill to proposed cap subgrade contours (bottom of gas vent layer) as shown on Drawings. 19. Construct landfill cap including installation of gas vent sand, flexible membrane liner, subdrain piping, drainage sand, common fill above drainage sand where required to achieve final grades, loam and seed except areas to be paved, and all appurtenant work as shown on the Drawings and as specified. 20. Submit all Quality Assurance/Quality Control Documentation for the landfill cap as required by Section 02277. 21. Install landfill drainage structures as shown on the Drawings and as specified including, but not limited to: a. detention basins including double-lined detention basin/wetland b. grassed and riprap drainage swales 22. Construct final grades to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. 23. Construct the Greenwood Road Storm Drain improvements including 18-inch reinforced concrete outfall piping, manholes, deep sump catch basins, inline separator unit, flare end outfall, and all appurtenant work as shown on the Drawings and as specified. 24. Construct permanent gravel access drives. 25. Install passive landfill gas management system including passive landfill gas vents and horizontal passive gas collector trenches as shown on the Drawings and as specified. 26. Conduct wetland restoration, replication, and mitigation measures as shown on the Drawings and as specified. 27. Replace dead wetland plantings identified during 2-year monitoring period. Engineer will be responsible for wetland monitoring required by wetland permits. 28. Install groundwater monitoring wells as shown on the Drawings and as specified. 29. Perform final site cleanup and miscellaneous work to complete the project. 30. Perform as-built survey of cap subgrade, final grades, and all installed features. 31. Submit final Record Documents.

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Roads / Highways


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110 Chandler Rd, Andover, MA

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