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Published March 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Annapolis, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Our College Park Mosquito Control office is seeking a qualified vendor to provide janitorial services. The Contractor agrees to furnish janitorial services for the office of the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) at College Park, Maryland. The area(s) to be serviced are those outlined by MDA personnel, and include: A. Mosquito Control Section office and 2 restrooms, consisting of approximately 1500 square feet. B. On-site supervisor for the Contractor will remain in the building, supervising, and instructing the cleaning crew, at all times. The Contractor will be required to furnish all labor, cleaning products, and supplies/equipment necessary to provide the services described below: A. WEEKLY 1. Contractor will provide cleaning services for (1) day a week, Thursdays from 9am-10am. 2. Contractor will utilize a system of colored rags (or other system) to avoid cross contamination from toilet to sink and vice versa. 3. Contractor will remove and sanitize the cleaning rags between visits. 4. Sweep and wet mop all floors, where accessible. 5. Empty all waste receptacles and replace can liner. 6. Remove all trash and take to dumpster at end of parking lot. 7. Clean under all floor mats and clean floor mats. 8. Dust or damp wipe all windowsills. 9. Wipe fingerprints from heavy traffic areas like walls, doors, and light switches. 10. Clean the restrooms. a. Clean and disinfect all toilets and fixtures. b. Clean and disinfect all sinks. c. Wipe fingerprints from heavy traffic areas like walls, doors, and light switches. d. Clean mirrors. e. Sweep and mop restroom floors. B. Monthly 1. Dust the ceiling light fixtures with telescoping duster. 2. Remove spider webs in office with telescoping duster. C. Semi-Annually 1. Strip and wax all floors (April and November). 2. Wash all windows (exterior) when stripping and waxing floors. Supplies Provided by the Maryland Department of Agriculture, College Park office: 1. Dust mops and replacement heads. 2. Commercial grade mop bucket. 3. Janitor closet to keep the cleaning supplies in. 4. Signage for wet floors. 5. Can liners for trash cans. 6. Telescoping duster.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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50 Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD

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