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Published April 17, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Waco, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a medical facility.

THIS IS A PRESOLICIATION NOTICE A Request for Quotation (RFQ) PLANNED TO BE POSTED ON OR ABOUT 03/17/2023. Requirements The contractor shall be responsible for providing all labor, materials, and equipment needed for the services to demo existing pavement and install (QTY-3), 4 ft. high x 8 ft. wide x 24 inches thick retaining walls. This will prevent commercial trucks from backing into dock doors for Building 202. Services will be performed at the Doris Miller VA Medical Facility in Waco, at 4800 Veterans Memorial Drive, Waco, Texas 76711, on Building 202. After all work is completed, the contractor will have a final walk-through with the VA COR or Alternative COR to ensure all work is completed and ready to receive payment. The contractor shall provide all personnel, services, vehicles, transportation, tools, equipment, materials, supplies, facility supervision, administration supervision and any other item(s) necessary to perform and accomplish this service. The contractor shall be familiar with all the terms, conditions, and requirement herein contained. All work must comply with federal, state, and local regulations. Period of Performance=Notice to Proceed (NTP+120) Note: Vendor should attend site visit to verify conditions prior to bid in-order to be fully acquainted with existing site conditions and scope of work. Site visit date and time will be published with the Solicitation. The VA is not responsible for Vendor s misconceptions of the conditions and requirements on this service. Magnitude of Project: Between $25,000 and $100,000 NAICS: 238110 PSC: Z2DA Set Aside: 100% Set Aside for SDVOSB (Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business) POC for this project will be Jennifer Stringer. She may be contacted by email at jennifer.stringer@va.gov . Important Notice: Apparent successful bid must apply for and receive verification from the Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Verification and Evaluation (CVE) in accordance with 38 CFR Part 74 and VAAR 819.70 by submission of documentation of Veteran status, ownership and control sufficient to establish appropriate status, offerors must be both VISIBLE and VERIFIED by the Department of Veteran Affairs Center for Veterans Enterprises prior to submission of offer.A Failure to be both VERIFIED by CVE and VISIBLE on VetBiz and/or Veteran Small Business Certification (sba.gov) prior to submission of offer will result in the offeror s proposal being deemed non-responsive. All offerors are urged to contact the CVE and submit the required documents to obtain CVE verification of their SDVOSB status if they have not already done so. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. 1. Contractor shall be responsible for providing all materials, and equipment needed to demo existing pavement and install (3 new retaining walls) which are 4 ft. high x 8 ft. wide x 24 inches thick retaining walls at the docks outside of Building 202. 2. Contractor shall saw cut existing pavement with a wet saw, remove the pavement, and dig 18 inches below grade to stabilize base of the 3 retaining walls. 3. Contractor will dispose of removed demo materials (pavement and spoils of soil) off site. 4. Contractor will set forms for the 4 ft high x 8 ft wide 24-inch-thick retaining walls. 5. Contractor shall use 5/8 rebar for structural steel to support for the 3 retaining walls. 6. Contractor shall use 4,000 psi strength concrete when pouring the retaining walls. 7. Contractor shall wreck forms and remove all demo materials. 8. Contractor shall clean-up work area when complete and remove area fencing.




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Site Work

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4800 Memorial Dr, Waco, TX

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