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Demolition and new construction of a clubhouse / community center in Riverton, Utah. Completed plans call for the demolition of a clubhouse / community center; and for the construction of a clubhouse / community center.

As of March 31st 2023 this project was awarded to Big Bear electric. The bid has Demolition and Construction of Walls, Drop Ceiling Repair and Electrical. The City reserves the right to make a multiple award. Bidders may only one part of the remodel or all, or a combination. The City will make an award for which ever is in the best interest of the city. Demolition and Construction of Walls Remove Existing Walls: Remove approximately 30' x 10' wall with two roll up doors and a door frame, in front of kitchen, two concrete columns stay. Remove 3' x 10' wall in kitchen. Remove door and door frame in kitchen. Remove approximately 17' x 10' dividing wall with door frame to make two rooms become one larger room. Remove Hallway Door Frame, and wall above frame. Frame is approximately 6' x 7', and wall above is approximately 6' x 3'. Construct New Walls: All walls are to be constructed using 3 5/8", 20-gauge metal studs and 5/8" sheet rock. Construct a 60' x 10' wall. This wall is to have two entrances. One entrance is to be framed so the doors are in a 3' 6" pocket and doors open into hallway (like existing doors in building), and needs to be double doors, 30 x 30 x 70, solid panel doors with glass on the top (similar to existing doors), one of the doors having a flush bolt on the top and bottom of the door, metal frame, contractor to provide, city will provide handle. The other entrance, the door can swing into the rooms and is a 3'0 door and frame, use one of the doors with frame that was removed in above removal. Install two transit windows approximately 7' off the floor, 30" x 72", metal frame and glass, contractor to provide. Insulate this wall to eliminate hallway noise. Sheet rock on both sides, mud, tape and finish ready for paint. Paint one coat of primer. Construct a 24' x 10' fur out wall. Sheet rock on one side only, mud, tape and finish ready for paint. Paint one coat of primer. Construct a 24' x 10' fur out wall. (fire cabinet wall, above) Sheet rock on one side only, sheet rock over the holes left from removing the fire cabinets, mud, tape and finish ready for paint. Paint one coat of primer. Construct a 13' x 10' wall to create a closet. Install one double doors, 30 x 30 x 70, solid core doors, one of the doors having a flush bolt on the top and bottom of the door, metal frame, contractor to provide, city will provide handle. Sheet rock on both sides, mud, tape and finish ready for paint. Paint one coat of primer. Construct a 3' x 10' wall to close off a doorway. Sheet rock on both sides, mud, tape and finish ready for paint. Paint one coat of primer. (In old kitchen, back wall) Construct a 3' x 10' wall to close off a doorway. Sheet rock on both sides, mud, tape and finish ready for paint. Paint one coat of primer. (In old kitchen, hallway) Construct a 4' x 10 wall to create a pocket for a door to open into hallway. Install one 3'0 door and frame, use one of the doors with frame that was removed in above removal. Sheet rock on both sides, mud, tape and finish ready for paint. Paint one coat of primer. Cut in seven (7) access holes approximately every 20' going down hallway (east door to west door). Install 24" x 24" hinged doors. Mud, tape and finish the walls that are next to or remain from the removal of walls. Paint one coat of primer. Ceiling Grid Repair Ceiling Tile Replacement in Music Room. Tile is 2x2 size, room is 24' x 57'. Ceiling Tile Replacement and New Grid to make one room from two room. Room that needs new grid is 14' x 16' and replace with new tile in both rooms. Room that only needs new tile is 26' x 17'. Tile is 2x2 size. Electrical Add four (4) circuits and 15 plugs in new large room. Move counter high plug down to floor high plugs in old kitchen. Add two (2) circuits and four GFI plugs in remaining kitchen. Add two (2) circuits and six plugs Questions of a technical nature regarding this project or the specifications should be directed to Craig Calvert at 801-208-3175.


Clubhouse / Community Centers


Public - City

Demolition, New Construction

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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March 16, 2023

March 31, 2023


Multiple Locations, Riverton, UT

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