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Published March 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

UPDATE 2 Added 7 pictures of site as attachments: Camel batteries solar.jpg, Camel Solar batteries.jpg, IMG_0741.jpg, IMG_0743.jpg, IMG_0745.jpg, IMG_0746.jpg, IMG_0750.jpg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 1 Revised SOW attached and original SOW removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a requirement for the replacement of the UPS Battery Bank at the Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Tactical Communications (TACCOM) facilities located west of Santa Teresa, NM. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE IN WRITING AND EMAILED TO THE CONTRACTING SPECIALIST. CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW. SAM.GOV IS THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE FOR THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. The responses to this market survey will be used for informational purposes only. At this time, this is not a screening information request or request for proposals. The responses will be used to develop the source list for this requirement. The FAA will not pay for any information received or costs incurred in preparing the response to the market survey. Therefore, any cost associated with the market survey submission is solely at the interested vendor's expense. The purpose of this market survey is to solicit statements of interest and capabilities from small businesses, service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, women-owned small businesses, and 8(a)/SDB firms capable of providing the services outlined in the Statement of Work. This market survey is also being conducted to obtain the information necessary to determine whether adequate competition exists to set-aside the competition among small businesses, service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, women-owned small businesses, and 8(a) certified firms. The acquisition strategy for the procurement has not been determined at this time; however, either an unrestricted competition or a set-aside will be chosen depending on the responses to the market survey. Provide a copy of SBA 8(a) certification letter, if applicable. To make this determination the FAA requires the following from interested vendors: 1. Capability Statement - This document should identify: - Provision of the same/similar services as listed in the SOW that have been provided by your firm - Previous contracts and awards for these services (elaborate quantities and dollar amounts and provide detailed information and past performance) - Number of years in business - SAM UEI or Cage Code 2. Clearly state whether your company can perform the full requirement as it is described in the SOW and Attachments. 3. Expected programmatic approach (in-house, teaming, subcontracting, etc.) - Respondents must provide their strategy for accomplishing this work, including the percentage of work that will be done by eligible small, service-disabled veteran-owned and 8(a) certified businesses. 4. Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) or budgetary estimate for the items described in the draft SOW. All responses to this market survey must be received by March 17, 2023 at 4:00pm Central Time. All submittals should be submitted by email to: Stephen.N.Branch@faa.gov Please include "MARKET SURVEY RESPONSE: Camel Batteries" in the subject line of your email. Information provided will not be released but please mark PROPRIETARY on all documents submitted as necessary. Respondents are encouraged to review the attached documents and provide comments. If you are viewing this announcement through Fed Biz Ops , or any other website than SAM.gov, the attachments may not be available / viewable to you. If so, please proceed to SAM.gov and search for this announcement number to obtain the attachments. The FAA reserves the right to cancel this announcement at any time, for any reason, and without notice. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




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March 18, 2024


Multiple Locations, Santa Teresa, NM

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