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Published March 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kamsack, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The R.M. of Cote No. 271 is accepting tenders for gravel loading, hauling and spreading for 2023. Road gravel may be hauled from up to three pit locations and the average usage is approximately 21,000 yards. Tenders received after the date and time specified above will not be considered. Bidders may amend or withdraw their bid submissions prior to the closing date and time by way of written notice to the Municipality. After the closing date and time bids received will be irrevocable. A bidder may, without prejudice to themselves withdraw their tender at any time up to 9:00 a.m. on March 22, 2023. Oral and telephone tenders will not be considered. All tenders shall include the following information: - Loading cost (if applicable) - Minimum haul charge, if applicable - Price per yard per mile for hauling and spreading gravel - Truck load size - Fuel surcharge if applicable. - A list of equipment/machinery to be used for the completion of the gravel haul - Contractor is to haul gravel according to the gravel haul maps which will be supplied by the municipality. - Municipality will retain the right to determine the amount of gravel spread. - Municipality may suspend gravel hauling and spreading at any time due to adverse road or weather conditions or unsatisfactory performance by the contractor - References from other rural municipalities - A certificate of insurance must be provided to the municipality by the contractor prior to the beginning of work. - A letter of good standing with the Sask. Worker's Compensation Board must be included with the tender submission. - The tender unit price shall not include Goods and Services Tax. Tentative start date for hauling will be no later than June 30, 2023. Hauling to be completed no later than August 15, 2023. The gravel haul for the Municipality will consist of loading, hauling and spreading road gravel provided from the municipal stockpiles. Gravel may be hauled from up to three pit locations. The locations are SE 08-28-30 W1, NE 36-28-30 W1 and NE 01-32-33 W1 (located in the R.M. of St. Philips No.301). The majority will be 3/4 inch road gravel with some areas at 1 1/2 inch road gravel. The Municipality's average usage is approximately 21,000 yards. The Municipality reserves the right to refuse to accept any or all tenders, and the lowest tender may not necessarily be accepted


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 21, 2023

June 30, 2023


Multiple Locations, Kamsack, SK

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