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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Bel Air, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

This project contains Four (4) street resurfacing projects and installation of fourteen (10) handicap ramps, and possible other concrete and paving work utilizing Unit Prices. All projects are located in the Town of Bel Air, Maryland. Some of the work activities required are symbol coded and described below: "A" - Bituminous patch - cut and patch areas designated in the field by the Engineer. Remove existing pavement / base material to a depth of three (3") below subsurface, compact sub base with mechanical tamper, pave with bituminous concrete and band BI. "B" - Stone patch - patch areas designated in the field by the Engineer. Remove existing base course material to a depth of six (6") compact sub base with mechanical tamper, replace with CR-6 compacted stone base course material. Proof rolling areas prior to designation for patching will be required using at least a fifteen (15)-ton rubber tire roller or a ten (10)- ton single axle dump truck. "C" - Joint cutting/milling - All cold joints, except new pavement, shall be saw-cut or milled to the same depth as the resurfacing material and tack coated. Cut shall be smooth and true at the joint, and a minimum of four (4") wide including driveway connections. "D" - Edge milling - Mill along the edge of the gutter pan at a depth indicated in the Item description to a depth of zero (0") at a width of six (6'). This operation where designated will generally be required on both sides of the street for its entire length. "E" - Gutter milling - Mill or remove existing bituminous material from the surface of existing gutter pan to expose original concrete. "F" - Surface milling- mill the entire width of surface to the depth specified. "G" - Wedge course - fill low spots in existing pavement zero (0") - two (2") in depth to eliminate excessive thickness of following course using bituminous concrete band SC. "H" - Resurface with depth specified of bituminous concrete Band SF and or Base. "S" - Striping to include arrows, lane delineation, stop bars, etc." "U" - All utilities must be adjusted to meet grade (manholes, water, gas, etc)


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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