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Published August 8, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Hartford, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The entire elevator system, which comprises one (1) Low-Rise In-Ground Hydraulic Passenger Elevator 064-0158 installed at 50 Williams Street in Hartford, Connecticut, shall be maintained as hereinafter described, in accordance with the following detailed terms. Provide monthly examinations, adjustments, cleaning and lubrication of all machinery, machinery spaces, hoistways and pits. The contractor shall allocate a minimum of One (1) hour per quarter dedicated to routine scheduled preventative maintenance work. The Contractor shall maintain all parts of the elevators consisting of, but not limited to, machine, motor, generator, brushes, controller, selector, worm, gears, thrust bearings, brake magnet coil or brake motors, brake shoes, windings, rotating elements, contact coils, resistance for operating and motor circuits, magnet frames, leveling devices, cams, car and hoist way door hangers, tracks and guides, door operating devices and door motors, car lights, push buttons, indicators, hall lanterns and all other elevator signal scheduling, power drives, solid-state and/or computer devices and accessory equipment complete. The wages paid to any mechanic, laborer or workman employed upon the work here in contracted to be done shall be at a rate equal to the prevailing wage rate in the State of Connecticut and or federal government, whichever is applicable, for the same work in the same trade or occupation." Submit copies of all required business (trade & occupational) licenses with your response. The Owner, their Legal Representatives and the Elevator Consultant reserve the right to inspect the progress and quality of the work at any time to insure complete compliance with the specifications and other contract documents. Q&A Deadline 07/07/2023 2:00 PM Online Q&A Yes

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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July 11, 2023

August 11, 2023


50 Williams St, Hartford, CT

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