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Renovation of a medical facility in Bristol, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

Southwest Virginia Community Health Systems 13191 Glenbrook Avenue Meadowview, VA 24361 Phase I Renovations, Bristol Community Health Center for the Southwest Virginia Community Health Systems, which consists of the completion of the renovation of the first floor full building fire sprinkler system, fire alarm system at second floor, and second floor toilet room alterations Withdrawal of bids shall be according to procedure (i) of the Virginia Public Procurement Act and to the Code of Virginia ( 2.2-4330). Bids must be accompanied by Bid security as specified in the Instructions to Bidders. Each Bidder must be licensed as a Class A contractor in the State of Virginia; Bidders are instructed to review the Code of Virginia, Title 54.1, Chapter 11, prior to bidding. The Owner does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia, 2.2-4343.1. MBE/WBE firms are encouraged to submit Bids. The Contract(s) shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder(s). The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids if it appears in its best interest to do so. The Project consists of the complete renovation of the first floor, full building fire sprinkler system, fire alarm system at second floor, second floor corridor refinishing, and indicated sitework RENOVATIONS OF EXISTING BUILDING FOR USE AS A MEDICAL CLINIC WORK AREA NO. 1: PHASE 1 - TOTAL RENOVATION, INCLUDING FIRE SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (1ST FLOOR), AND AS OTHERWISE INDICATED WORK AREA NO. 2: PHASE 1 - NEW PAINT AND FLOORING IN CORRIDORS (2ND FLOOR) WORK AREA NO. 3: PHASE 1 - FIRE SPRINKLERS & FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ONLY (2ND FLOOR) All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be submitted to the Architect on the Pre-Bid Question Form provided herein. Interpretations and/or clarifications considered necessary by Architect in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda and delivered to all parties recorded by Architect as having received the Bidding Documents. Questions received less than ten (10) days prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be answered Question Deadline 03/25/2023




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2195 Euclid Ave, Bristol, VA

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