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Renovation of a mixed-use development in Greenville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

Provide labor, equipment and materials to repair the failed areas EFIS at the Public Safety Annex, 5300 Northland Dr., Greenville, NC 27834. The City of Greenville Public Works Department-Building and Grounds Division is accepting bids for the Public Safety Annex Facade/EIFS Repairs project. Questions regarding scope of work shall be emailed to Aaron Lewis at no later than 5:00 PM Thursday, March 16, 2023. Answers to all questions will be sent and posted as an addendum by 5:00 PM Tuesday, March 21, 2023. Work must comply with all OSHA safety guidelines. Contractor responsible for all needed paper work to obtain required permits. All permits must be posted prior to the commencement of work. Contractor responsible for all work associated within the scope of work. Contractor is responsible for all measurements. Questions about this bid package should be directed to Wanda House, Financial Services Manager at 252-32. The person firm or corporation making a proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope to Aaron Lewis, Building & Grounds Supervisor, at the Public Works Administrative offices located at 1500 Beatty Street, Greenville N.C., 27834, on or before the hour and day stated on the attached bid request form. The words Bids Enclosed, Public Safety Annex Facade/EFIS Repairs and the name Aaron Lewis, Buildings & Grounds Supervisor appear on the outside of the sealed envelope. The bid may also be emailed to but must be received prior to the time and date stated on the attached bid request form. All bids will be marked with the date and time they are received by reception staff. Bids will not be opened and read aloud. Bids will be opened and evaluated and a bid tabulation will be available upon request once the contract is awarded to the successful bidder. The bidder shall insert the required responses and supply all the information as indicated on the Bid Form. The prices inserted shall be net and shall be the full cost including all factors whatsoever. Any bids not submitted on such forms provided will be considered unresponsive. No bid may be changed or withdrawn after the time of the bid opening. Any modifications or withdrawals requested before this time shall be acceptable only when such request in writing is made to Aaron Lewis, Buildings & Grounds Supervisor. The City of Greenville reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any formalities, and to accept the bid or any portion thereof that is deemed most advantageous to the City. Any bid submitted will be binding for 90 days after the of the bid opening. The scope of work attached represents the minimum specification or description of work to be purchased or contracted. These requirements are not intended to prevent fair responses or to eliminate competition, but they are intended for the protection of each and every bidder to insure, if possible, that all bids submitted shall be upon a fair and comparable basis. It is expressly understood by the bidders that written notice of award and/or receipt of purchase order will constitute agreement by the City to consummate the transaction and will serve together with the proposal, scope of work, and these instructions as the entire form of contract between the parties except in cases where formal contracts are warranted. Each bidder shall affirm that no official or employee of the City of Greenville is directly or indirectly interested in this proposal for any reason of personal gain. Minority and/or Women Business Enterprise (MWBE) Program: It is the policy of the City of Greenville to provide minorities and women equal opportunity for participating in all aspects of the City's contracting and procurement programs, including but not limited to, construction projects, supplies and materials purchases, and professional and personal service contracts. In accordance with this policy, the City has adopted a Minority and Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Plan and subsequent program, outlining verifiable goals. The City has established a 10% Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and 6% Women Business Enterprise (WBE) goal for the participation of MWBE firms in supplying goods and services for the completion of this project. All firms submitting bids agree to utilize minority and women-owned firms whenever possible. Questions regarding the City's MWBE Program should be directed to the MWBE Office at (252) 329-4462. Equal Employment Opportunity Clause: The City has adopted an Equal Employment Opportunity Clause, which is incorporated into all specifications, purchase orders, and contracts, whereby a vendor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry. By submitting qualifications and/or proposals, the firm is attesting that they are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Federal law (Rehabilitation Act and ADA) prohibits handicapped discrimination by all governmental units. By submitting a proposal, the vendor is attesting to its policy of nondiscrimination regarding the handicapped. Sales tax may be listed on the proposal, but as a separate item. No charge will be allowed for Federal Excise and Transportation tax from which the City is exempt.


Fire / Police


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 24, 2023

April 24, 2023


5300 Northland Dr, Greenville, NC

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