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Published March 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Russellville, Arkansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Arkansas Tech University (hereinafter "University") is seeking responses for lawncare services to include mowing, line trimming, blowing and cleanup, hedge trimming, herbicide application, and landscaping for the Russellville campus. Services to include mowing and removal of mulching or clippings, no windrows are allowed. Line trimming along all walks, drives, around buildings, fences, flowerbeds, and trees. Any areas that cannot be mowed must be line trimmed (banks and ditches.) Scheduling: It is anticipated that the weekly lawn services will begin June 1 and the last mowing will be October 31st subject to weather conditions. During dryer weather the University will exercise the option to postpone mowing at particular sites as needed. The ATU representative will determine if a weekly mowing for a location(s) is unnecessary and adjust the schedule with the contractor. Services will include all mowing and removal or mulching of all clippings, with no windrows being allowed. Contractor will be required to string trim along all walks, drives, buildings, fences, flowerbeds, and trees. Any areas that cannot be mowed must be string trimmed (including banks and ditches). All walks, concrete surfaces, and parking lots are to be blown off and free of debris and grass clippings. Herbicide spray applications are not expected to be done weekly and are to be priced separately (page 8 ) After the initial application, all subsequent applications will be approved by the ATU representative. The type and concentration of herbicide will be approved by the ATU representative. The bidder must provide all necessary licensure and follow all local, state and federal statutes governing the applications of herbicides. Billing will be on a monthly basis. Each bill will only include services that occurred during the previous month. Questions deadline: March 10, 2023 4 p.m Any questions pertaining to this RFP are to be directed to Jennifer Warren, jwarren2@atu.edu, 479-968-0269



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 23, 2023

June 1, 2023


215 W O St, Russellville, AR

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