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Published December 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

The Maryland Environmental Service is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified Contractors to provide all materials, equipment, labor, testing, quality control, traffic control, and any/all incidental services necessary for the construction of Area C Infill Cell C-1 Construction Project located at the Brown Station Rd Sanitary Landfill 3500 Brown Station Rd Upper Marlboro, MD 20774. Mobilization and Demobilization Coordination with the ENGINEER, MES, COUNTY, and permitting agencies. Providing material submittals and shop drawings. Furnishing and installing temporary/permanent erosion and sediment control measures. Daily maintenance of roads including dust control. Maintaining safe traffic flow around its construction work and material stockpiles, including the use of printed/electronic signage and flagmen as necessary. Locating and protecting existing landfill gas wells, valves, monitoring wells, utility poles, cleanouts, manholes and existing structures. Licensed surveying to confirm existing conditions, for construction stakeout, and for as-builts. Stripping and stockpiling topsoil for reuse in areas of permanent seeding Demolishing and removing existing infrastructure, including but not limited to the following: o Stormwater features, including culverts; o Existing leachate features, including gravity lines, forcemains, air lines, and manholes; o Existing landfill gas features, including headers, laterals, condensate traps/sumps, and condensate piping; o Electrical power (conduit, wire, ductbanks, poles) and control components, if any; o Remove and abandon landfill gas monitoring probe(s); o Paved and unpaved roads; o Asphalt and concrete paved roads; o Fencing; and o Carport-type structures Salvage reusable components (for example, valves, landfill gas well heads, leachate valves, manhole section) at the direction of the ENGINEER or the COUNTY. Clean soil/aggregate/concrete/topsoil materials may be stockpiled at designated areas identified on the drawings and in coordination with the ENGINEER or the COUNTY. Furnishing and installing paved and unpaved perimeter roads and perimeter berms and and stormwater channels around Cell C-1. Furnishing and installing new stormwater features including culverts/pipes and open channels. Excavating and removing/stockpiling soils to achieve subgrade grades, estimating un-suitable soils, and over-excavating as necessary to remove unsuitable materials. Furnishing and installing compacted General Fill and Structural Fill to Subgrade grading, Processing, mechanically screening, moisture conditioning, placing, and compacting the various soil and aggregate materials as required. Furnishing and installing landfill cell layers, including protection layer, leachate collection layer, geocomposite drainage net, flexible geomembrane liners, geocomposite clay liner, and subbase clay. Furnishing and installing leachate collection and transfer systems, including trenching, bedding, piping and fittings, aggregate, cleanouts, valves backfill, geotextile, manhole(s). Furnishing and installing a raincap. Furnishing, installing/modifying the landfill gas collection system, including trenching, bedding, backfill, piping and fittings, pipe supports, condensate sumps/traps, wellheads, valves, ports, and connections. Furnishing and installing bollards and traffic barriers. Placing topsoil and providing temporary and permanent seeding of disturbed areas outside of the Cell C-1. Construction Quality Control observations, testing (field and laboratory) and preparation of certified testing reports for soil and geosynthetic materials. Certified surveying and Record Documents Maintaining and CONTRACTOR's daily construction report. Site Cleanup. Questions Due Date: Apr 3rd 2023, 1:00 PM EDT MBE (29%) Intent to Bid Due Date: Apr 14th 2023, 1:00 PM EDT


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work





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3500 Brown Station Rd, Upper Marlboro, MD

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