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Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Mansfield, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the construction of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

sealed bids will be received by the Northern Burlington County Regional School District Board of Education for the ATHLETIC STORAGE POLE BARN FACILITY AT NORTHERN BURLINGTON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL project on the school property of the Northern Burlington County Regional High School A Base Bid and two (2) Add Alternate Bids are being sought for the project. Scope of work for the Base Bid and two (2) Add Alternates includes but is not limited to mobilization, demolition, earthwork, grading and the construction of a new 23'x48' pole barn, electrical and water services, reinforced concrete slab, full depth HMA pavement, restoration and all other work and incidentals appurtenant thereto as directed by the Engineer, in a neat, competent and skilled manner. Bidders are informed that all contract work shall be completed within the allocated calendar days from issuance of the Notice to Proceed as shown below: Base Bid - 200 Calendar Days Add Alternate A - Additional 20 Calendar Days Add Alternate B - Additional 10 Calendar Days The Northern Burlington County School District Board of Education will receive sealed bids for the Project during normal business hours at the Board of Education Office, 160 Mansfield Road East, Columbus, New Jersey, 08022. Bids must be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope, with the name and address of the bidder, name of the Project and the time and date of the contract bid identified on the outside of the envelope as: ATHLETIC STORAGE POLE BARN FACILITY AT NORTHERN BURLINGTON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL. Bids may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the bid opening date. NO BIDS ARE TO BE DROPPED OFF AT THE ENGINEER'S OFFICE. Bidders must be pre-qualified by the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction. DPMC Classification: C008 General Construction. Bidders must comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, Chapter 127, Law Against Discrimination, and the NJ Public School Contracts Law NJSA 18A:18A et seq. Bidders must provide a Business Registration Certificate prior to or with the bid package per N.J.S.A. 52:32-44 Bidders must comply with the NJ Public School Contract Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et.seq. and the NJ Prevailing Wage Act N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et. seq. The School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any bid requirements and/or any non-material bid defects, where such rejection or waiver is in the best interests of the School District, and where such rejection or waiver is permitted by law.




Public - County

New Construction, Site Work




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April 20, 2023

May 22, 2023


160 Mansfield Rd E, Mansfield, NJ

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