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Published May 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Gary, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

LAKE STREET FORCE MAIN RELOCATION Sealed Bids for the Gary Sanitary District (OWNER) Project: Lake Street Force Main Relocation, GSD Project No.: SD23-01 will be received by the OWNER at the Administrative Office of the Gary Sanitary District, 3600 West 3rd Avenue Gary, Indiana, 46406, until March 27, 2023 at 11:00 AM local time, at which time the submittal of all bids will be closed and bids will be publicly opened and read. A Non-Mandatory PREBID MEETING for Project: Lake Street Force Main Relocation, GSD Project No.: SD23-01 will be held on March 20, 2023, at 2:00 PM local time in the Board Room of the Gary Sanitary District located at 3600 West 3rd Avenue, Gary, Indiana, 46406, to discuss the Project.At the Pre-Bid Meeting rules and regulations included in the Contract Documents will be explained and questions regarding the project received and answered, where appropriate. Copies of these Contract Documents may be obtained from the Gary Sanitary District upon the deposit of $50.00 for each set. The amount of the deposit is non-refundable. Please contact Willette Lee at (219) 944-1211, Ext. 1816 for information. The Work comprises furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supplies and services for the following: Installation of a new HDPE force main via Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method, replacing the existing force main attached to the Lake Street Bridge over the Grand Calumet River. Each Bid must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check on a solvent bank or trust company, drawn to the order of the Gary Sanitary District, or an acceptable Bid Bond, in an amount of not less than 5 percent (5%) of the total Bid. This sum is a guarantee that, if the Bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Bid security of all excepting the three lowest, responsive, responsible Bidders will be returned within thirty (30) days after the opening of bids. Any Bidder whose Bid security has been retained may, after thirty (30) days from the opening of Bids, request return of his Bid security provided he has not been notified of acceptance of his Bid. The Bid security of the successful Bidder will not be returned until Bidder delivers the required Performance Bond. The Bidding and Contract Documents, including Bidders Procedure Checklist for Construction Services, Official Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Proposal Form, Bid Bond Form, Agreement, Form of Performance Bond, Form of Payment Bond, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, Specifications, Drawings and Addenda, if any, may be examined at the following locations: Administrative Offices of: Gary Sanitary District 3600 West 3rd Avenue Gary, Indiana 46406 Phone: (219)944-1211 Fax: (219) 944-8206 www.gary.in.us Any Bid may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled time for the opening of Bids or authorized postponement thereof. However, no Bid may be withdrawn for thirty (30) days after the scheduled time for opening, unless agreed to by the OWNER. The award of the contract will be made by the OWNER. In determining who is the lowest, responsive, responsible Bidder, the OWNER will consider the Bid, and all other relevant facts or matters mentioned in the Contract Documents or which the Gary Sanitary District may legally consider in determining the lowest, responsive, responsible Bidder. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all of the Bids or to waive any informalities and to accept the Bid which it finds to be the lowest, responsive, responsible bid after all Bids have been examined. Your participation is both welcome and encouraged. If you require special assistance, please contact Michael Slocum at American Structurepoint, (317) 547-5580 for information. 3/13 & 3/20/23 7396436 HSPAXLP


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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