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Saving Project...

Site work and paving for a civil project in Lashburn, Saskatchewan. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The Work generally consists of road reconstruction of approximately 4.9 kilometres of Grid Road 684 in the Rural Municipality of Eldon No.471. The Work includes topsoil stripping, approximately 53,500 m3 of import fill to compacted embankment, notching and widening, culvert replacements, surface mixing and compaction, granular base course placement, prime coat, tack coat, and hot mix asphalt concrete pavement placement. Please see attachment for more information. Tender Documents can be obtained electronically from BAR Engineering Co. Ltd. Requests for the Tender Documents shall be made to Matt Jago at The Tender submission must be accompanied by a ten percent (10%) Bid Bond and Consent of Surety as well as an outline of the Bidder's safety program and policy, or valid Certificate of Recognition. The successful Bidder shall furnish Performance and Labour and Materials Payment Bonds within fifteen (15) days following confirmation that the Bidder's Tender has been accepted. The Rural Municipality of Eldon No. 471 reserves the right to reject any or all Tenders or to accept the Tender deemed to be most favourable to the Owner, as described in the "Instructions to Bidders". The lowest of any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. Bid value not released for publication.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 30, 2023

May 30, 2023


SK-684, Lashburn, SK

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