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Published March 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

The Peace River Regional District (Regional District) is requesting tenders from qualified proponents to proceed with the works as outlined in the ITT Particulars. The construction of Phase 4A will generally consist of landfill cell earthworks, geosynthetic liner system installation, and construction of associated site works including berms, ditches, and a road. The work is located at 6688-237 Road, Dawson Creek, BC. The Landfill is situated approximately 16.5 km northwest of Dawson Creek and is accessed via Mason Road (237 Road) for the west side of the site. The work to be undertaken generally involves, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: Mobilization and demobilization of equipment to site, including construction and remediation of haul roads, Prime Contractor role and site safety, and all temporary works and facilities necessary to complete the project. Clearing and grubbing of all brush, roots, and stumps from within the grubbing limits and hauling to the appropriate on-site stockpile location as directed by the Engineer. Stripping topsoil, subsoil, and any unsuitable material from within the Phase 4A footprint, the access road, surface water ditches, stockpile area, and hauling of material to the on-site stockpiling area as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Excavation of Phase 4A, including the construction of Phase 4A access roads and fill area, Phase 4A embankments, intermediate berms, access ramps, and stockpiling of excess material. Subgrade preparation and surface finishing for an acceptable subgrade across the Phase 4A area for clay liner placement. Construction of a 0.75 m minimum thick engineered clay liner within Phase 4A (including slopes). Surface finishing of the top of clay liner. Excavation and backfill of the geosynthetic anchor trench as shown on the construction drawings. Supply and Installation of the geomembrane liner. Supply and installation of the geotextile layers. Supply and Installation of the Phase 4A leachate collection system (including, but not limited to, excavation of trenches, supply and install of drainage aggregate, geotextile, and piping). Gravelling of the newly constructed Phase 4A access road. Construction of the surface water ditches and berms, including supply and placement of all erosion controls. Topsoiling and seeding of permanent ditches, embankment slopes, all disturbed areas, and seeding of stockpiles (as indicated on drawings) to aid in erosion control on-site. Surveying, as required for the completion of all portions of the Work, which must include a detailed as-built geodetic survey of the entire Work area and all the Work performed including the base of clay liner and top of clay liner. To be provided to and approved by Engineer as construction progresses. Documents can be obtained from https://prrd-bc.bonfirehub.ca/


Roads / Highways


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Site Work




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6688-237 Road, Dawson Creek, BC

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