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Published March 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Requirements contract. This micro purchase will be awarded as a whole or by line item, whichever is in the best interest of the City, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Seller must quote all items in order to be eligible for award as a whole. Do not deliver or provide services until notified by department. For Room 1 (2,800sf) First Floor (includes entry vestibule 48sf) Provide all labor, materials and equipment. Clean all counter and desk surfaces with hand wiping with mild cleaning agent; use vacuum with soft brush accessory where applicable. Clean bookshelves with vacuum with soft brush accessory including lip of shelf, front face of books, and accessible tops of books (books should NOT be removed - clean books in place) Clean all bookshelf tops with hand wiping with mild cleaning agent; use vacuum with soft brush accessory where applicable. Use soft brush vacuum accessory to clean keyboards and monitor tops and other equipment (copiers, etc). Vacuum and clean upholstered chairs. Clean/mop entry vestibule floor NO FLOORING in this room needs TO BE CLEANED - tile and carpet is new. NO WINDOWS in the room need to be cleaned. Remove all debris For Room 2 (1,600sf) First Floor Provide all labor, materials and equipment. Clean all counter and desk surfaces with hand wiping with mild cleaning agent; use vacuum with soft brush accessory where applicable. Clean bookshelves with vacuum with soft brush accessory including lip of shelf, front face of books, and accessible tops of books (books should NOT be removed - clean books in place) Clean all bookshelf tops with hand wiping with mild cleaning agent; use vacuum with soft brush accessory where applicable. Use soft brush vacuum accessory to clean keyboards and monitor tops Vacuum and clean upholstered chairs NO FLOORING in this room needs TO BE CLEANED - carpet is new. NO WINDOWS in the room need to be cleaned. Remove all debris For Room 3 (935sf) First Floor Atrium Provide all labor, materials and equipment. Clean all counter surfaces with hand wiping with mild cleaning agent; use vacuum with soft brush accessory where applicable. Clean bookshelves with vacuum with soft brush accessory including lip of shelf, front face of books, and accessible tops of books (books should NOT be removed - clean books in place) Clean all bookshelf tops with hand wiping with mild cleaning agent; use vacuum with soft brush accessory where applicable. Floor is new VCT - may require a light mopping. NO WINDOWS in the room need to be cleaned. Additionally clean two restrooms (total 300sf) - floors, fixtures reachable vertical surfaces with appropriate disinfectant products. Additionally clean one kitchenette (35sf) - floor, appliance face/top, sink and reachable vertical surfaces with appropriate disinfectant products. Remove all debris For Room 4 (1,900sf) First Floor Meeting Room Provide all labor, materials, and equipment. Clean all counter surfaces with hand wiping with mild cleaning agent; use vacuum with soft brush accessory where applicable. Clean all reachable wall surfaces with hand wiping with mild cleaning agent; use vacuum with soft brush accessory where applicable. Floor is new carpet tile - no floor work - may need light vacuum. NO WINDOWS in the room need to be cleaned. Remove all debris The Free Library of Philadelphia (FLP) requires the services of a contractor to clean four (4) spaces in the Chestnut Hill Library located at 8711 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19118. The library has recently undergone a major ceiling restoration in two of the spaces (rooms 1 and 2) and needs all surfaces cleaned. The library needs this work to commence immediately after construction which includes new carpet and tile installation with a cleaning start date will be March 31 or April 3, 2023.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 23, 2023

March 31, 2023


8711 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA

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