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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Madison, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

In general, the work consists of: Double tee joint and shear/ diaphragm (connector) repairs throughout the facility 39 estimated at 2,600 linear feet of joint replacement and approximate 100-150 shear connectors requiring, inspection, 40 welding and/ or replacement. Expansion joint/ EM Seal repairs throughout the facility estimated at 325 linear feet of 41 joint replacement. Repair South-East shear wall spalling and cracking on 3rd floor. Replacement of approximately 42 12,200 square feet of driveway membrane, primarily on level 4, and to a lesser extent on levels 2 and 3. This 43 membrane shall be replaced through a multi-phased process. Repair 300 linear feet of Full Depth cracks in flanges 44 and webs of double tees, primarily on the South side of Level 4. It also includes new guard rails on level 4 of the 45 ramp. Please note that any striping required will be done by the Owner. Bidders shall bring inadequacies, omissions or conflicts to the Architect/Engineer's attention at least 52 ten (10) days before the date set for bid opening Question Deadline 04/08/2023


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work





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2501 University Bay Dr, Madison, WI

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