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Published May 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Luxemburg, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Project Category Code: Biosolids Disposal, Miscellaneous, Water and Wastewater Facilities, Water/Wastewater Infrastructure, Construction, Excavation, Drainage, Dredging, Ditches and Canals City of Green Bay Standard Specifications and Construction Standards for Public Works Construction, 2023 Edition, and the special provisions of this contract, all of which are on file in the City Clerk's/Treasurer's Office and the Director of Public Works Office in the Green Bay City Hall. The work under this Contract shall consist of: A. Land application field permitting, B. Dredging sludge from Lagoon No. 1, C. Transporting and land application of sludge, and D. Reporting. The work shall also be completed in compliance with the following attached documents, which are considered part of these Special Provisions: E. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Conditional Approval for Landspreading Sludge, dated January 1996 (SP-14 through SP-21), F. Plan of Operation Modification WDNR Conditional Approval for Landspreading Sludge dated October 2005 (SP-22 through SP-26), and G. Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 518 (SP-27 through SP-31) Any material or operation specified by reference to a Code (Federal, State, or local), publication, published specification of a manufacturer, a society, and association, or other published standards, shall comply with the requirements of the listed document, which is currently on date of receipt of bids. In case of conflict between referenced documents, project specifications shall govern. The work shall also include, and the Contractor shall abide by, any and all required local, county and state permitting and approvals for stormwater and erosion control, transport of sludge (including weight limits) and land application of the sludge. The terms "landspreading" and "land application" are used interchangeably in these documents and these Special Provisions and shall be considered equivalent in definition. Sludge Lagoon No. 1 is located near the intersection of Finger Road and South Jossart Road in the Town of Humboldt, Brown County, Wisconsin. The site location is shown in Figure No. 1 (SP-12). All work and material specified, unless otherwise distinctly stated, are to be furnished at the Contractor's expense. Any work not herein specified, which may be fairly implied as included in the contract, of which the Engineer shall be the judge, shall be done by the Contractor without extra charge. The work shall be let in accordance with the following Sections of the Wisconsin Statutes. 1. Section 62.15 regarding public works construction. 2. Section 779.15 regarding lien on contractors. 3. Section 66.0901(2) regarding proof of responsibility. All bidders shall provide proof of responsibility on the form furnished by the Director of Public Works and it shall be filed with the Director of Public Works not less than five (5) days prior to the time set for opening of bids. Said proof of responsibility shall not be valid if filed prior to one year of the date of opening bids. In accordance with Section 42-2 of the City of Green Bay Code of Ordinances, any corporation, firm, or individual violating Chapter 133.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes, or any subsequent amendment thereof, shall upon conviction thereof be thereby disqualified as a bidder on any City of Green Bay project for a period of three (3) years from the date of such conviction; however, nothing herein shall be interpreted to preclude such corporation, firm, or individual from completing any and all contracts he/she may already have with the City at the time of such conviction, nor shall this ordinance be applied retroactively to convictions occurring prior to the adoption and publication of this ordinance. This prohibition applies with like force to officers of convicted corporations, firms, or individuals who thereafter have business interest in new corporations or business enterprises of whatever kind or description. The City of Green Bay, Wisconsin reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in bidding. No bids shall be withdrawn after the opening of bids without the consent of the City of Green Bay, Wisconsin for a period of sixty (60) days after the scheduled time for closing bids. All proposals must be submitted through QuestCDN.com via their electronic vBid online bid service provided for that purpose and issued to the specific bidder by the Director of Public Works together a bid bond equal to at least five (5) but not more than ten (10) percent of the bid payable to the City of Green Bay as a guarantee that if his/her bid is accepted, he/she will execute and file the contract and a performance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total bid within ten (10) days after the award of the contract. Only the Proposal Pages, Surety Bond, Affidavit of Compliance, Disclosure of Ownership and any Addenda issued shall be submitted. Only Proposals submitted by firms appearing on the City of Green Bay list of plan holders will be opened. In case the successful bidder shall fail to execute such contract and performance bond, the amount of the check or bid bond shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages. Published by the authority of the Improvement & Services Committee of the Common Council of the City of Green Bay, Wisconsin.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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April 4, 2023

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S Jossart Rd & Finger Rd, Luxemburg, WI

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