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Site work and paving for a transportation facility in Almyra, Arkansas. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; and for paving for a transportation facility.

The work is generally described as follows:Project includes construction of a 2" overlay with grade corrections of Runway 18-36, as well as associated shoulder grading and runway light adjustments. Bid security in the form of a bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument equivalent to five percent (5%) of the total bid is required and shall be made payable to the City of Almyra. Contract security in the form of 100% Performance and Payment Bonds will be required.No bid may be withdrawn after closing time for the receipt of proposals for a period of sixty (60) days. Bidding Documents may be examined at the following locations:Office of the Engineer:Michael Baker International101 South Spring Street,Suite 100Little Rock, AR 72201(501) 907-6223Almyra Municipal Airport:275 Almyra Airport RoadAlmyra, AR. 72003870-830-123 Addenda to the bid package will be issued by Capitol Imaging to all registered plan-holders. Therefore, all prime bidders shall be responsible for registering with Capitol Imaging in order to be included in the Plan Holders list for the receipt of addenda. Bidders must enter the addenda numbers on the Proposal Form to verify receipt. The Bidder (Proposer) must supply all the information required by the bid or proposal form.This project will be partially funded using federal assistance. Certain mandatory federal contract provisions apply to this solicitation and will be made a part of any contract awarded, to include those provisions included by reference below:(a) Buy American Preference - 49 USC 50101(b) Foreign Trade Restriction - 49 USC 50104, 49 CFR Part 30(c) Davis Bacon - 2 CFR 200, Appendix II (D), 29 CFR Part 5(d) Affirmative Action - 41 CFR Part 60-4(e) Government-wide Debarment and Suspension - 2 CFR Part 180 (Subpart C), 2 CFR Part 1200, DOT Order 4200.5(f) Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace - 2 CFR Part 182Other federal provisions in the contract documents include, but are not limited to the following:Affirmative Action Requirement 1. The Offeror's or Bidder's attention is called to the "Equal Opportunity Clause" and the "Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications" set forth in the contract documents. 2. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation, expressed in percentage terms for the contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows:Goals for minority participation: 16.4% (Arkansas County)Goals for female participation in each trade: 6.9%Civil Rights - Title VI Assurance: The City of Almyra, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises:The requirements of 49 CFR Part 26, Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, apply to this contract. It is the policy of the Melbourne Municipal Airport to practice nondiscrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin in the award or performance of this contract. All firms qualifying under this solicitation are encouraged to submit bids/proposals. Award of this contract will be conditioned upon satisfying the requirements of this bid specification. These requirements apply to all bidders/offerors, including those who qualify as a DBE. A DBE contract goal of 10.2% percent has been established for this contract. The bidder/offeror shall make good faith efforts, as defined in Appendix A, 49 CFR Part 26 (Attachment 6), to meet the contract goal for DBE participation in the performance of this contract.The bidder/offeror will be required to submit the following information: (1) the names and addresses of DBE firms that will participate in the contract; (2) a description of the work that each DBE firm will perform; (3) the dollar amount of the participation of each DBE firm participating; (4) written statement that attests their commitment to use the DBE firm(s) listed under (1) to meet the Owner's project goal; and (5) if the contract goal is not met, evidence of good faith efforts. A bid that fails to meet these requirements will be considered nonresponsive. The successful bidder/offeror must provide written confirmation of participation from each of the DBE firms the bidder/offeror lists in their commitment. This bidder/offeror must submit the DBE's written confirmation of participation within 5 days of receiving the Owners notice of award.Equal Employment Opportunity (E.E.O.):2 CFR 200, Appendix II(C), 41 CFR 60-1.4, 41 CFR 60-4.3, Executive Order 11246Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (Federal Minimum Wage): 29 U.S.C. 201Mechanics and laborers on the project shall be paid not less than the minimum hourly rates set out in Wage Determination No. AR20220154, U.S. Department of Labor, a reproduction of which is bound in the contract documents. The City of Almyra reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bids received and to reject any or all bids or to award or refrain from awarding the contract for the work, whichever is deemed to be in the Owner's best interests. All inquiries shall be directed to Michael Baker International, Attn: Mike Stengel, Project Manager, 1400 West Markham, Suite 204, Phone No. 501-907-6223, Fax No. (501) 907-9937.


Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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275 Almyra Airport Rd, Almyra, AR

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