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Published May 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Falmouth, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

To assess the viability of new pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure along Route 88 (between the Cumberland Town Line and US Route One) and to develop conceptual level design, preliminary cost estimates, and identify potential construction issues. Task 1 Design Considerations Investigate the viability of various design alternatives, which may or may not result in multiple options to consider. The results of this assessment will be used to aid in the development of conceptual design in Task 2. The following is a non-inclusive list of suggested alternatives to assess; o Sidewalk Location (which side of street) o Curbing vs. No Curbing o Esplanade vs. No Esplanade o Bike lane vs. no bike lane o ROW vs. No ROW Impact o Crosswalks/ADA Compliance Task 2 Develop Conceptual Design Using the results from Task 1, develop a conceptual design that shows proposed design alternatives. The conceptual design should, at a minimum, show the following information; o Proposed cross sections; o Drainage options: Including high level drainage analysis to identify impacts to existing storm drain system; o Impacts to other existing utilities; o Impacts to trees and other vegetation; o Signage considerations (no parking, etc.); o Segment options for potential phasing. The Town will supply GIS base mapping that will include approximate location of existing utilities, Right-of-Way and property lines. Task 3 Financial Evaluation Conduct a financial evaluation that includes the development of a conceptual level cost estimate for all proposed design alternatives developed in Task 2. The cost estimates should include full (i.e. all inclusive) cost estimates for all proposed improvements (U.S. Route 1 to Cumberland town line) and cost estimates for any suggested phasing This task also includes a funding analysis and recommendations to assess the viability of using Federal and/or State funds vs. using Town only funds, including a cost benefit analysis associated with either option. Lastly, this task includes a suggested scope of work from the consultant to determine the next steps for this project (i.e., preliminary engineering, final design, ROW acquisition, etc.). All proposers will have an opportunity to ask questions at the mandatory pre-proposal meeting. Additionally, questions can be directed to Justin Early, Assistant Public Works Director/Town Engineer, jearly@falmouthme.org with the subject - "Route 88 Sidewalk Feasibility Study RFP." Only written questions regarding this Request for Proposals will be considered - e-mail format preferred. No phone calls please. Addenda for potentially interested bidders will be provided as necessary and posted on Town's "bid" web page online No proposals will be accepted from firms that do not attend the mandatory pre-proposal meeting. In case of team proposals, a minimum of one member per team shall attend the mandatory pre-proposal meeting. The Town of Falmouth reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals for any reason, to negotiate with any individual or firm and to select one or more of the proposals. Agreement The Town's standard consultant agreement follows as an attachment. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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October 19, 2023


ME-88, Falmouth, ME

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