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Published August 17, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Oromocto, New Brunswick. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

The work under this Contract includes, but is not limited to the following: .1 Replace existing Version 2 Delta DDC System with new DDC Points and as outlined in Appendix VII. .2 Contractor to provide controllers to accommodate all other new and existing points as outlined in points list. .3 Provide all programming and necessary components for 'Sequence of Operation' modifications. .4 Provide enhanced control strategies including: morning warm-up strategy to offset demand, occupied mode, NSB mode, low occupancy mode, PB-override, calendar schedule, ambient lockout, summer mode, SAT reset as oulined in the sequence of operations. .5 Provide MSTP network wiring with existing IntelliWeb system. Provide minimum 3 pair cable stranded twisted pair (FT4 rating in conduit; FT6 rating otherwise). .6 Provide appropriate end-of-line resistors to all device communication drop legs. .7 Provide all new points/sensors devices as outlined. Commissioning is required for all new points. .8 Provide all required modifications to electrical systems (i.e. including relays, contactors, transformers, switches, etc.) to make all control systems a complete operational package. .9 All power wiring to be in conduit. .10 All wiring in mechanical, electrical and service rooms or where it may be subject to damage shall be installed in conduit. .11 FT6 plenum rated cabling will be permitted in all ceiling spaces providing it is run parallel along a surface or perpendicular to it and neatly tied at 2m intervals. Where FT6 plenum cables are used without raceway or conduit, it shall be supported from or anchored to structural members using J-Hooks. .12 Cables shall not be supported by or anchored to ductwork, electrical raceway, piping or ceiling suspension systems. All other wiring to be in conduit. .13 All wire drops in occupied spaces shall be concealed in walls. Where access is impossible, surface drops will be enclosed in wire mold raceway. Color/paint to match existing wall. .14 Contractor to update existing graphics to reflect all new and existing points. .15 Contractor shall provide all new enclosures. .16 Contractor shall remove all redundant controllers, wiring, sensors and enclosures. .17 Integrate new controllers and graphics into existing Delta Inteliweb System. .18 Contractor to add new "CT" monitoring points into the existing Delta Energy Monitoring Software. Documents are available through the Construction Association of NB.




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103 Winnebago St, Oromocto, NB

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