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Published March 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Working plans call for the renovation of a 18,100-square-foot municipal facility.

project has been cancelled. The scope of work includes exterior demolition and repairs to all elevations of the Town Hall building in South Hadley, MA as part of a phased exterior building repair project. New work will include: Exterior brick masonry repairs including removal and replacement of broken or cracked brick units to match existing brick as closely as possible, removal and replacement of deteriorated brick wall construction, removal of deteriorated or broken/cracked mortar joints and installation of new mortar to match existing as closely as possible. Limited removal and replacement of cast or stone masonry units and reinstallation to match existing masonry configurations where wall reconstruction is required, limited repairs to cracked or damaged cast or stone masonry units, limited cleaning of existing cast or stone masonry. New concrete stair landings where existing landing is damaged and out of level with surrounding construction. Removal of glass block window infill and replacement with new aluminum window. Repairs and repainting of surrounding wall construction and new exterior and interior joint sealants. Replacement of damaged or missing aluminum window panning / trim. Repairs, replacement and new paint on new wood decorative trims or repainting of existing wood trims. Removal of existing and installation of new exterior window perimeter joint sealants between window units and masonry openings. **General Bids are due no later than 12:00 Noon on April 24th, 2023. General Bids will be opened publicly. Per Section 00 21 13, General Bid clarification questions are due by end of day 4/13/23. **The estimate listed is for phase 1 of the project** The estimated cost is $1,064,952 (Single Phase/One Fiscal Year estimated construction cost, refer to Bid Documents for multi-year phasing plans), $348,636 (Phase One performed during 2023, refer to Bid Documents for multi-year phasing plans), $520,820 (Phase Two performed during 2024, refer to Bid Documents for multi-year phasing plans), $347,600 (Phase Three performed during 2025, refer to Bid Documents for multi-year phasing plans). The Work consists of the Project as more specifically described in the attached contract drawings and specifications. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, services, materials, equipment, plant, machinery, apparatus, appliances, tools, supplies, and all other things necessary to do all work required for the completion of each item of the Work and as herein specified. The Work to be done and paid for under any item shall not be limited to the exact extent mentioned or described but shall include all incidental work necessary or customarily done for the completion of that item.

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April 24, 2023

May 24, 2023


Multiple Locations, South Hadley, MA

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