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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Douglas, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; for paving for a transportation facility; and water / sewer project.

Base Bid: This project includes rehabilitation of the existing Terminal Apron. The Terminal Apron will be full depth pavement removal. The rehabilitation will include paving, marking, grading and drainage, and erosion control measures. The duration of construction is 45 consecutive calendar days, and will be coordinated with the engineer, owner, and GDOT. All applicable FAA and GDOT requirements will be followed as further listed within the contract. Additive Bid: The includes rehabilitation of the existing Taxiway D. The taxiway will be full depth pavement removal or crack sealing in the areas specified in the documents. The rehabilitation will include crack sealing, paving, marking, grading and drainage, and erosion control measures. The duration of construction is 15 consecutive calendar days, and will be coordinated with the engineer, owner, and GDOT. All applicable FAA and GDOT requirements will be followed as further listed within the contract. Bidders shall inform themselves concerning Georgia Laws and comply with same. If awarded, the time allowed for Substantial Completion on Terminal Apron & Taxiway Rehabilitation - Base Bid is Forty-Five (45) consecutive calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed for Construction. If awarded, the time allowed for Substantial Completion on Terminal Apron & Taxiway Rehabilitation - Additive Bid is Fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed for Construction. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond with good and sufficient surety or sureties approved by the owner for faithful acceptance of the contract, payable to, in favor of, and for the protection of the OWNER in an amount equivalent to five percent (5%) of the total amount payable by the terms of the contract or, in lieu thereof, in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or cash in equal amount. The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish performance and payment bonds with the executed Agreement meeting the requirements of the Contract Documents and executed on the forms attached to the Agreement. The terms and time for payment are set forth in the Agreement. Surety and insurance companies must have an AM Best rating of A-6 or greater, be listed in the Federal Registry of Companies holding Certificates of Authority and Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds, be licensed by the Georgia Insurance Department and the Georgia Secretary of State to do business in the State of Georgia. All Bids will remain subject to acceptance for 90 days after the day of the Bid opening, but OWNER may, in its sole discretion, release any Bid and return the Bid security prior to that date. Each bid must be submitted in a SEALED ENVELOPE, addressed to the OWNER. If the BID is sent through the mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED for "Terminal Apron & Taxiway Rehabilitation" on the face thereof. This project is funded under provision of the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Act of 1987. The award of this contract is contingent upon the availability of Federal funding. Certain mandatory federal requirements also apply to this solicitation and will be made a part of any contract awarded. (a) Davis Bacon Act (DOL Regulation 29 CFR Part 5) (b) Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity (Executive order 11246 and DOL Regulation 41 CFR Part 60) (c) Copeland Act, 29 CFR Part 3 and 5. (d) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. (e) Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964. (f) Disadvantaged Business Enterprises participation 49 CFR Part 26.13. The DBE participation goal is 6.64%. (g) Government wide Debarment and Suspension and Government wide Requirements for Drug-free Workplace (DOT Regulation 49 CFR Part 32) (h) Buy American Preferences (Title 49 United States Code, Chapter 50101) (i) Foreign Trade Restriction: Denial of Public Works Contracts to Suppliers for Goods and Services of Countries that Deny Contracts to Suppliers of Goods and Services of Countries that Deny Procurement Market Access to U.S. Contractors (DOT Regulation 31 CFR 1352) (j) Goals for Minority and Female Participation (41 CFR Part 60-4.2) (k) Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities (41 CFR Part 60-1.8) (l) Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion (2 CFR part 180 (Subpart C) (m) Bid guarantee of 5% (49 CFR Part 18.36(h)(1)) (n) Performance Bond of 100% (49 CFR Part 18.36(h)(2)) (o) Payment Bond of 100% (49 CFR Part 18.36(h)(3)) By submitting a bid/proposal under this solicitation, except for those items listed by the offeror on a separate and clearly identified attachment to this bid/proposal, the offeror certifies that steel and each manufactured product, is produced in the United States (as defined in the clause Buy American - Steel and Manufactured Products for Construction Contracts) and that components of unknown origin are considered to have been produced or manufactured outside the United States. The City of Douglas reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bids received and to reject any or all bids or to award or refrain from awarding the contract for the work, whichever is deemed to be in the Owner's best interests.


Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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440 Elton D Brooks Blvd, Douglas, GA

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