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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Morris, Manitoba. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Section I - Vicinity of Snow Lake Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Trunk Highway 39 from Provincial Road 627 (Reed Lake) to Provincial Road 392, for a total construction distance of 38.6 km in the Municipality of the North. Section II - Vicinity of Anola Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Trunk Highway 15 from Provincial Road 206 to the Brokenhead River, for a total construction distance of 34.2 km in the Municipality of Springfield. Section III - Vicinity of Prawda Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Trunk Highway 1 from Provincial Trunk Highway 11 to Brokenhead River (W/B Lanes), for a total construction distance of 26.7 km in the Municipalities of Reynolds. Section IV - Vicinity of Aubigny Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Road 246 from Provincial Trunk Highway 23 to Provincial Road 205, for a total construction distance of 13.0 km in the Municipality of Morris. Section V - Vicinity of Morris Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Trunk Highway 23 from Provincial Trunk Highway 75 to Provincial Trunk Highway 59, for a total construction distance of 29.0 km in the Municipality of Morris. Section VI - Vicinity of Stephenfield Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Road 245 from West junction of Provincial Road 240 to Provincial Trunk Highway 13, for a total construction distance of 25.6 km in the Municipality of Dufferin. Section VII - Vicinity of Reinfeld Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Road 649 from 2.7 km South Provincial Trunk Highway 14 drainage ditch to Provincial Trunk Highway 14 , for a total construction distance of 2.8 km in the Municipality of Stanley. Section VIII - Vicinity of Rosenort Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Road 422 from Vicinity of Rosenort Provincial Road 205 to Provincial Trunk Highway 23 to the for a total construction distance of 0.7 km in the Municipality of Morris. Section IX - Vicinity of Ledwyn Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Road 326 from Provincial Access 603 to Provincial Road 329, for a total construction distance of 10.9 km in the Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton. Section X - Vicinity of Vidir Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Road 326 from Provincial Road 329 to 2.4 km East of Provincial Road 233, for a total construction distance of 11.3 km in the Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton. Section XI - Vicinity of Rosenort Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Road 205 from Rosenort to West of Diversion Bridge, for a total construction distance of 1.0 km in the Municipality of Morris. Section XII - Vicinity of Carman Sealing Pavement Cracks on Provincial Trunk Highway 13 in Carman: Provincial Trunk Highway 3 to 5 km North of Provincial Trunk Highway 3, for a total construction distance of 5.0 km in the Municipality of Dufferin. Question Acceptance Deadline: 2023/04/03 12:00:00 PM CDT Questions are submitted online: No Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Morris, MB

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