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Published May 12, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Coos Bay, Oregon. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

The Coquille Indian Tribe is requesting Bids for the construction of the Ko-Kwel Shishda Haws, a 13,413 sq ft Rehabilitation and Fitness Center to be constructed on the Kilkich Indian Reservation near Coos Bay. The Project includes Construction of a new single-story rehabilitation and fitness facility building with an enclosed floor area of 8,912 sq ft and adjacent covered, multi-use court of 4,501Square Feet. Programming includes three exam rooms with office space for providers, a large fitness classroom for 25 participants and partitioned for smaller groups, equipment floor area for cardio, exercise and weight equipment, and space for stretching. Additionally, there will be space allocated for an all-ages bouldering wall. Common areas include reception, non-gender specific restrooms, shower rooms, and infrared sauna amenities. The program includes dedicated equipment storage, table cart storage, general storage, laundry facilities and a receiving bay. The Shishda Haws will include a cafe space that allows members of the clinic, staff, and the tribal community to access healthy food options. The cafe is an open space located in the main entrance to allow for access without a key card. KWC will contract with a locally sourced vendor to provide grab and go options prepared at an off-site commercial kitchen and stocked during KWC business hours. The cafe will provide basic refrigeration, equipment for coffee, and seating. Staffing and operationalization for food services will be based on contracts and staffing. The tentative plan is for the contractor to operate the cafe at no cost for the lease as a service to the membership and receive revenues for the services. Natural play areas will be built around the exteriors of the building. Construction of natural playscapes to engage children physically and intellectually by using large boulders and logs to create tactile learning play spaces. Playscapes will include structural elements created from wood and stone such as log steppers, balance Logs, vertical and crisscross log climbers, boulder scrambles and rock walls. The elements will be strategically positioned along and around stormwater retention features and earthen embankments on the east side of the building and north end of the site between the multi-use court and earthen embankment. The elements will be integrated with landforms taking advantage of the topography and hydrology to offer unique experiences that challenge dexterity and balance and encourage climbing and jumping and physical exertion in a safe, outdoor space. The playscapes will incorporate sand and water play stations and native vegetation with child-sized play structures and tactile wayfinding to expose children to culturally significant stories and traditions, and native plants. There will also be space set aside in the small gravel area to the south of the building for a fenced playground with structures and amenities that cater to pre-school and early school-age children. There will be a multi-use pedestrian path around the perimeter of the site to occupy portions of the earthen embankment and access road encircling the former cranberry bogs. The anticipated path would be nominally 6' wide and approximately 1/10th of a mile in length. The path would be constructed of gravel and/or soil-stabilization mixture to create a hardened base. The path will be surfaced with organic wood fiber (hog fuel) that when compressed is erosion resistant ant suitable for walking, running and bicycle use in all weather. The path would connect to existing and proposed pedestrian trails and sidewalks, with benches strategically located to offer respite and quiet relaxation. Pre-Qualification: Yes Site Directions: Kilkich Indian Reservation 650 Miluk Dr. Coos Bay OR 97420


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City






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650 Miluk Dr, Coos Bay, OR

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